Tree of Savior Forum

HOW need hold boss if u havent tank! PLS READ

To be fair, that isn’t exactly intuitive gameplay. It’s more a product of shoddy game design.

Could someone kindly explain how two Clerics (or even one) can “tank”? Thank you.


20 characters moooo

this is pretty much how i tank with my cata (with no peltesta SB, just provoke attribute)
it works wonderfully most of the time, but kinda tiring when your team lack dps
i still sometime get annoyed with healer who cast ALL of their tiles on dps side, EVERYTIME its ready (i know tree’s fruit-throw hurts a lot), even if there are still lots of unused tiles on their side and tanks hp starting to get low

sidenote: when you are the only swordman on the team, what ever your build is, you are the tank of your team if they need you so upgrade ur provoke to lv 10, you can (and probably should) toggle it off if you are not the primary tank

two(2) clerics were alternating Safety Zones that gives “invulnerability”. (20 seconds 40blocks)
That gives a gap of 8 seconds because of Safety Zone’s cooldown of 48 seconds.
Laima Statue does help (-20% CD) though is unreliable.
They can “tank” damages but they cannot lure any other monsters in case someone in the party would deal more DPS.
One cleric can “tank” for 20 seconds and kite for the rest 28 seconds.

that 8-seconds gap would be filled by Druid Strea Trofh (10) :kissing_heart: