Tree of Savior Forum

How much SPR is necessary for a Wizard2-Linker2-Thauma3-Shadow3?

Would going full SPR give me more damage than mixing SPR and INT? After a certain point, the max sp and the sp regen are minimum gain because I will virtually never run out SP, but would Thauma buffs justify going full SPR instead of a mix of INT and SPR?

I’ve read some very detailed calculations by elitist that going full INT on thauma3 actually gives more MATK for yourself.

However, my opinion is go for full SPR whenever you have thauma3. It gives more MATK for your party. Big portion of MATK comes from weapon anyway, so having higher SPR makes you less SP hungry. If you include Sorcerer (replacing link2) in your build, that’s a plus. Last but not least, SPR can yield some CON by enchanter shop iirc.

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@gexmnlin13 Thauma at rank 4, Summoner at rank 5.

I haven’t test much Shadowmancer C3 for pve but imo it’s most shine as boss support killer. Not sure which stats for your build, you can try this link to see which stats benefits more overall. Click stat points and it will calculate your buff.

I’m doing

For CM, Linker3 already useful for party support.
Thau 1 for Shrink body and small damage buff.
FF1 Decay for Archers and Curse for your own damage.

Boss combo should be Infernal Shadow>Shrink Body for extra damage>Ngadhundi decay>Joint Penalty

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Nice build, I was running Wiz2-linker3-sorc2-Shadow3. Although this build able to make use of spr stats on the summon. It hard to bring out shadowmance potential. When mobbing my summon tend to attack before me breaking all my linked stuff. :persevere: Maybe i should get rid of my sorc circle to solve the issue.

Id say go full spr if you are going to spam shadowmancer skills. You are going to need that sp

With the same gear I tried resetting my stats.

593 SPR & 133 INT: 4677 base matk/6987 matk with thauma buffs/Int+45 and 717 matk from swell brain

545 INT & 181 SPR: 5705 base matk/7649 matk with thauma buffs/Int+45 and 345 matk from swell brain

  • No difference in swell left & right arm buff values
  • Full SPR has 372 more matk with swell brain buff
  • Full INT has 1028 more base matk
  • Full INT has 662 more matk after thauma buffs are applied

Thank you all for the replies. In the end I decided to take another path, and went with Wizard2-Linker3-Thauma-Sorc-Shadow3.
The value linker3 bought made me love the build. While I am weak and don’t have a good weapon, losing thauma3 was a big hit, but as when I managed to get a +11 380 primus staff the build started paying off with spirit shock damage and shrink body + shadow inferno. As for stats, I just went with full SPR, I don’t really know if it’s the best seeing that I only have swell arm and summon benefiting from it(SP stops being a problem after 300 spr), but I think it should be good. Again, thanks for the help.

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I was about to say that. Linker 3 with full SPR is awesome. Great support, max joint penality and great single target damage. Thauma is used only for shrink body in this build. Rank 7 is open for a bunch of things: thauma 2, sorc, FF, RC…

I personally went FF for sustain. i don’t need sorc’s extra sp regen since im full SPR.

i dont know its my first wiz but i play a lot of sp pot hungry cls and i dont find sm c3 so sp hungry…

Whaaaaat?! Shadowmancer is not SP hungry?! Well, I guess maybe not that bad comparing to archer or swordsman that spam skills

Comparatively, maybe. My Archers and Swordies drink a LOT of pots. The difference with SM is that because you have a huge SP pool Pots recover too little unless you’re using an Elixir. You tend to use more pots as a phys class but it’s harder to heal SP back as a Mag class. (Assuming no SPR)