Tree of Savior Forum

How much does SubZero Shield help survival?

I searched but can’t find good information as to how much the shield blocks attacks. Does it block whole attacks, or does it only prevent some damage? What’s the frequency of it blocking? It says a percentage to freeze but doesn’t say anything about a % of blocking. And are there attacks it doesn’t help with? Can it prevent cc too? Kind of crucial to know if planning a more beefy build…
Anyone know how much it helps defending?

It’s use is very limited late game pve but is worth maxing pvp.

how so? (what’s different in pve and pvp for it)

Players are just smarter than pve enemies like that. You’re much more likely to take damage consistently from players hence you get the most effective usage in PvP scenarios.

Because with high CON and block, you can freeze/reflect dmg on players with no problem. Esp since INT scales poorly.

The effect works regardless of block. They can freeze upon any hit as long as its not a deployment skill. Pretty much exactly as the skill says. Doesn’t provide resistance or negate any debuffs/cc

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Thanks for the info… though I’m more specifically asking about this part in the description: “Inflicts damage after blocking enemy attacks[…]”

That is, how good is it to block attacks, not just the effect, Like, is it even good for bosses, or against teams that have a plague doctor, etc.

Err I never notice it actually blocking anything on its own. Its more of a counter than a defensive spell because you still eat the damage most the time with high con. Damage returned? Essentially non existant in pve. Bosses? Can’t be frozen.

Freeze is a rank 1 debuff so plague doctors do have the advantage there. I don’t know much more than that…they got nerfd recently.

Ignore everyone else here. In PVP you are basically immune to ALL physical attacks as long as you have subzero shield in a way. Anyone that hits you will be frozen for around5 seconds at a time (if they paid the attribute), over and over without fail. Your skill has 5 hits in it? guess what it’s a 60% chance PER HIT. Do the math. No one can hit cryos unless they are dumb or it’s magic. It cancels multi-hit skills mid animation, and has absolutely no diminishing return what so ever or any drawback. It’s ■■■■■■■ cooldown is 45 seconds, and it lasts for 45 seconds. If it takes over 100 individual attacks to kill a full CON cryo, 60 of those attacks will proc the freeze. So 60 x 5 second freeze time = 300 seconds of being frozen. You will on average be frozen for 300 seconds before you got 100 hits on a Priest.

Earth wave has 15 hits, that means I’m frozen 100% of the time, all the time, no matter what skill I use as they are all multihits.

It’s too good, so good everyone is a cryo.

Edit: stand corrected. It can can activate from deployment spells. See vid below.

  1. Doesn’t prevent being cc’d. In 5v5 no one with both hemispheres of their brain will soak you in hit counts (after you wreck them once). They can cc you as much as possible if they notice you causing problems for their team.

  2. Doesn’t block damage. Get sniped. Get meteor’d.

  3. Plague doctor? Dunno about this one. Freeze is only a rank 1 debuff after all.

Yes cryo is a great PvP class. Cryolinker or c3 cryo is tier 1 control in pve as well.

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So, does Shield level affect only the freezing chance or the reflecting part too?

I’ve heard it reflects a huge part of damage taken with some chance, making a musketeer casting Snipe kill himself with it sometimes. I want to know how does that really work and, as I said, if skill level only changes freezing chances or affects that too.

PVE - You don’t really use this unless you plan to stand and tank mobs for whatever reason.

PVP - Freeze means catching.

98,97% chance to get frozen after 5 hits at 60% chance each. Also the chance to get frozen in EVERY hit of a 5 hits skill is around 7,78%.

Just passing. Bye~

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Hmm…yet to see anything this funny happen. Hopefully someone will be kind enough to stop by and confirm/deny the reflection damage. Its supposed to be based on your shield’s defense but that doesn’t really say much.

I have heard Druid kill himself before Cryo when brainwashing him with sub0 to Zybas stack.

So does the shield work on magic and archer attacks?

It works on all forms on damage.

Sub zero shield freeze enemies right!, but in pvp if ur enemies have dispeller on , they will never get freezed, and this skil only reflects when ur shield blocks the attack

Dispeller : use this and u never will be freezed by a cryo =)

I found this on youtube

All hail cryomancer


You don’t need to block to freeze someone with subzero. Dispeller only works in world pvp. Does not work in battlegrounds at all. Zero effect. So, dispeller is only for open world pvp. Will not help you in any form of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 battlegrounds. Cryo ftw.

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