Tree of Savior Forum

How is necromancer

I was looking at some build rankings. Seems like cryo3-sorc1-necro3 is really popular.
But is it because it’s great for afk farming?
Is necromancer good for PvE?

Yes necro can be good at pve. Put everything in SPR, because summon dmg comes from that stat. We have not gotten the patch yet, but hopefully soon. The patch coming is going to increase the summon dmg. If you choose sorcerer 1, then temple shooter card will probably be your best card because it’s dual attacks are affected by necro decay. Also, glass mole for shogoth gives the most hp as far as I’ve tested. I don’t AFK so can’t help you there. But cryo is a really good compliment to pull monsters in for your summons.

Thanks a bunch.
Is int build not as efficient for sorc/necro? I was thinking about adding pyro2-linker1 for rank 1-4

Well as long as you have a good weapon you should be fine. Linker works great, but with all the summons, you have to joint penalty and hangman’s knot quickly or the link will break. I have wiz1pyro2link1sorc1necro3. It works fine with full SPR. You just have to consider yourself support to your summons!

I see… Nevermind then, i will just be pyro-linker-featherfoot.

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max dirty pole make your party screw tanky mob easier

sorc cat +aoe5, insane sp regen

frost pillar gather mob for your pt

How important is sorcerer to necromancer?
I was thinking of an Int build necro3, focusing on flesh cannon, flesh hoop, flesh strike.
I will still summon skeletons, but more as a distraction/tank, while myself is the main dps.

Perhaps something like wiz-pyro2-linker2-necor3

The thing about these two classes that, they depend on the similar stat which is SPR. Thus they can be built in a same build.

I’m not sure about investing INT to necro as its only damaging ability that only gives out a nice chunk of damage is flesh cannon, With the update it seems, You’re getting most of your damage from your summons.

Another thing is that unlike sorcs, necro cannot control their summons, making it a bit tricky to use them to hold aggro to a certain mob.

As long as you know that an spr based build would make your summon FAAAAAAAR stronger (Spr x Weapon Matk is the stat INT and any form of Matk bonus other than your weapon won’t boost your summon)
With the incoming patch that balance to make summon damage viable… And another patch buffing their IA reaction time, Spr Necro will be the way to go if you want damage. AND tackiness as your summon are more durable with Spr.

That their better nuke class to nuke a pact of mob
-Flesh cannon isn’t aoe ratio/cast time/decent but not amazing damage.
-Flesh strike is better meteor… Heavy corpse cost. Like HEAVY.
-Flesh hoop decent damage vs 1 target only (the hit number is divided between all mob you hit.)
-Summon won’t alway be tanking for you. They follow you soo you will be get the aggro first most of the time.
-Linker… Your summon will break the link almost instantly.

The thing is…
Necro flesh cannon and is other nuke spell aren’t made to be use alone.
A necro will have weaker nuke spell but it summon is what the class is based on.
Is nuke spell are there to give him a chance to add is own damage to is summon path.
You might lose 400 int (1k Matk) by going spr but you can still have if you invest in it a weapon with over 4k Matk
But your summon will be WAY stronger.

Also Note for those who still doesn’t know
Necro/Sorc summon are going to have a time limit on their live.
300sec for necro summon
900sec for Sorc summon
End of Legit 100% afk farming / Welcome to more macro/bot user

int necro (work for this patch) wiz3link2necro3

summon necro (also work but lack damage, just a mob puller/cc/debuff class) cryo3sorc1necro3

full spr summon necro mostly use as legit afk farmer while being cc/debuff/support in dungeon

Wait, does enchant fire scale with int or spr?

How is Necromancer?

Very cancerous, as always.

Cancerous? Why is that?

Both scale equally.

20 charas

Where do you guys get information like these?
The class information on this website still has the outdated info…

Skill planner and clicking on skills lets you look at the formulas. Or search the skill through search function.

As someone that have Played necromancer pre patch and post patch, here are what i can summarize for you:

In the past:

  1. Summons Atk Scale to INT , and Def to SPR. Player stats back then were higher due to stat bonus. 1000 Int was doable

  2. Adding INT was a norm

  3. Necronomicon only utilizes the first card slotted, scaled to card star level and player’s INT

  4. Necro Spells can deal heavy damage with invested gear and attributes. It was further boosted with wiz3 quickcast and linker’s Joint Penalty.

  5. End game state was pretty much a Bursty Caster with minions as bonus damage.


  1. Summons Atk/Def scales to SPR. ( Current formula unknown just that SPR gives a certain % boost to it’s base stats)

  2. Full SPR build usually

  3. Necronomicon remains unchanged

  4. Due to heavy investment in SPR, players suffer a lack in damage for themselves.

  5. Spell damage is weapon-reliant. (Quickcast removed from wiz3, linker joint count reduced ) Many Shifted to Cryo meta for CC to compensate for bad AI

  6. Summons deal slighty better damage , AI remains wonky and extremely artificial.

  7. End game state, weak unless with invested weapon. Exist solely for afk farming with poor gear. Cant even do proper 290 dungeon by itself. ( Slow )

Near Future:

  1. SPR scaling tweak, more damage from minions. Players wouldn’t rely too heavily on weapon for damage

  2. AI will feel slightly improved

Side Note : Minions seem to not benefit from any buffs except quicken/haste

Those are likely only cosmetic and not actually applied to the summons. Did some minor and testing and did not see any change in movement speed or attack speed/crit rate of my summons ever, despite seeing the buff “apply” to the summons when casted.

Haste do benefit the summons from what i recall. You should be right on the quicken part though.

Sorcerer boss summons works the same way as necro summon and movement speed is definitely independent. They do walk faster with haste. Shoggoth ( Gray Golem) walks too slow without it

Proof that summons have independent MS:

They have independent movement speed, but that does not mean it can be buffed.

Try having a chrono friend haste you and ride your summon. Run with the chrono and you’ll see that chrono will run faster while summon will be normal speed (as if not hasted).

Need to retest necro summons I guess to be 100% sure.