Tree of Savior Forum

How finish the elementalist build?

Hey everyone, I have been testing some builds of elementalist. because are my favorite class now when the cryo3 have not much chance to be strong for bossing or farming and i want a combine build for farming. Right now i have tested some builds but i feel that i miss something so please help me :smiley:

  1. wiz3>ele3>RC>Sage2 (full int): this build give me so much fun but i feel unnecessary have wiz2 and 3, because RC give me surespell and 2 sec cast aren’t to much when i test it.
  2. wiz3>Ele3>Sorc>Sage2 (full spr): The summon is really helpfull and strong if you have marmox or froster lord card, and have nice damage against bosses with micro dimension and dimension compresion.
  3. wiz3>Ele3>FF3(full con): this build have really nice thinks, one of this is the option of healing yourself, but with the problem of hit it and get the deamon monster. The other good think is levitation, it gives defense against melee mobs. But my main problem with it is that i feel i miss linker.
  4. wiz3>ele3>FF>Shadow2(full spr): i try it, and i don’t like the sp consumition is too high i need to go to spr for be right, and idk i feel that my sage can deal a little better with mobs and boss.
  5. wiz3>ele3>RC/FF>WL2(full int): I dont try already but i feel it have good options like mastema and rune of justice or curse dark damage… invocation up al the time, and drain, but im not sure because it dosen’t have WL3 and idk if is totally necesary.
  6. wiz3>ele3>WL3(full int): this is the normal one but i dont like because idk is so easy to kill and idk the adventages of this ones.
    Please help to to choose and help other persons that could have similar ideas, let me know what you think of this builds and if have another please let me know.