Tree of Savior Forum

How exactly Enchanter's Lightning Hands skill damage is calculated?


How exactly Enchanter’s Lightning Hands skill damage is calculated? Is it just plain 503% of your magic attack (not considering enemy defenses)?
My goal is to understand better in what I should prioritize to invest to increase the damage.

What about magic amplification? Will it play a big or small role in the calculation? I know the basic, that if I got 100 m.amp the damage will vary between 0 to 100. But is this after or before the 503% multiplier? I think it’s important to know because 100 m.amp could mean damage variation from 0 to 503 instead of 0 to 100.

Also, just to clarify, does this mean that 100 magic attack = 503 magic damage while under the effects of the skill (without enemy magic def)?

Thanks in advance.

Very Simplified formula: ( Your matk + (0~Your mamp)) x 530% + Elemental property attack

Let’s assume you have 2000 matk and 500 mamp, and you are using an Arde Dagger (Fire Property Attack +153):

(2000 + (0~500)) x 530% + 153

(2000 + 0) x 530% + 153 = 10.753
(2000 + 500) x 530% +153 = 13.403

Your damage would vary between 10.753 and 13.403 if you have 500 mamp.
Even though you are able to get more mamp than matk from enchants for example, matk will always be better as mamp is purely based on RNG. matk > mamp for days.


@Anarth did a real good job with a brief explanation about how damage works, but if you’re interested to dig deeper, just follow the dev blog’s series about the combat system:


Thanks a lot, both of you! I’m reading right now.