Tree of Savior Forum

How efficient is a Wiz3>Ele3>WL at 130DG full clear?

Was thinking of making a dps type character to farm silvers and also be useful at other things. currently using my chaplain to do full clear for 130DG. takes about 30mins… :confused:

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It takes 20-25 min for my lvl 280 sorc3 to 130 dg full clear

Around 20-25min for my warlock. Pretty well geared.
25-30min with the epic lag thats going on.

i think qs3->sr2 will probably clear significantly faster than any wiz builds.


I’ve read somewhere Running Shot is not working together with Retreat Shot anymore, might be wrong though. (Still can probably do it faster than Wizard maybe since it doesn’t rely much on cooldowns).

I can do it in ~20 min with my Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock level 267.