Tree of Savior Forum

How does Rune Caster fare in PvP?

Is Rune of Destruction strong there or do most people only use it for rune of ice?

Everyone uses RoD there. If you get the drop on an enemy team its usually a kill or two.

…Or five if they’re all together.

Thanks… Still undecided between necro and rune caster for rank 6. Looks like both have good pvp skills.

Watch out for revenge and ausrine statue.

Just note that necros still need the corpse count to function : D

Even without quickcast (and attribute), you can 1-shot some one around 8~14k.
Plus: 6s cast time each rune :slight_smile:

That’s nice. With quick cast it should deal about 12 - 21k then. That’s quite amazing.