Tree of Savior Forum

How does Exp Work?

Just a little question with alot behind it.

I don’t care about exprates or the likes.

Just as i had found out, that Exp Given is about 80 to 140 for all Monsters. (Tosbase)
I wonder what factor goes into it for the end exp.

You’r Level 5, Monster is Level 5. So it’s 100 Exp.
You’r Level 5, Monster is Level 10. So it’s 200 Exp?
You’r Level 5, Monster is way to high level. So it’s Zero Exp as Leech prevention.
You’r Level 5, Monster is Level 1. So it’s 20 Exp?

Same Level= Normal Exp.
1 Level Differen = ±20% Exp?

Is it something similar to this?

Let’s ignore Overkill bonuses and things like that.
I just would love to know the factors for Exp given by X Level Monster for an Y Level Char.

I’m sure some one will give a technical explanation with the formulas and all that (I’m look at you @Dynemanti :sunny:)

But I would like to clarify that even if a monster is 199 levels higher than you, you still get tons of exp, though probably not from killing it by yourself (also its not possible)

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Every monster in the game has a base exp value based on their level. As pictured here

This value is modified based on a modifier every monster has. The modifier is based on things like the monsters size, and type. The value typically ranged from 30% (small weak enemies) to 200% (large tough enemies).

Then this value is further modified based on your level vs the enemies level. The value is
1 - ((your level - monster level - 4) * 0.05)
Essentially, if you are 5 levels above the monster, you get 5% less exp per level above this gap. Meaning if you are 25 levels above a monster they should give 0 exp.



This is what i searched for.

Really good information. I will be able to make an calculation in Exel that will help me a bit, for planing grinds now xD.

so how do you work out why higher monsters give lower exp than lower monster sometimes? >_>

Because different monsters have different modifiers.

A level 50 monster that is considered large and difficult will give more exp than a level 60 monster than is considered small and easy.

if those monster exp amounts are accurate… combined with the level exp requirements… that would make this game the longest grind in the history of history =x

B> EXP Potions (In bulk)

well that’s good to hear.

@Garfy also made a post on exp rates at certain levels in cbt3. At some point based on your level, you get a multiple of the monsters exp in cbt3. But it still was considered grind by the Korean testers

A multiple @_@! How I get this??

You should take into account the density of monsters in the maps, the time to kill them and also the respawn rate. AFAIK, ToS have a lot more monsters than the other MMORPGs, it isn’t rare to kill them 10 by 10 instantly.

If you mean “we can nuke big mobs of trash to level” That is pretty much the name of the whole game if the beta is any example. Goes without saying.

I think the trick will be in Overkilling Monsters that have an high multiplier of 100%~200% of their EXP value.

Use auto atk to mob or use an weaker AOE to damage them to a certain point.
Then use an high dps skill like Multishot or something else, to nuke them.

3,5~7 times the Exp would be possible with multiplier and Overkill.
(30 mobs on a map. Say you can get 10 at a time. That’s alot of exp.)

An good example would be how an level 7 Beast type Mob. That’s small and seemingly surely low modified.
Gives you way less exp, compared to an level16 Vuubel Archer. When your under level 21!

One will eed to check how much Exp an Enemy gives, to determine their modifier.
I doubt that our wikia contributors wont have tables for that after the first week xD.

As a sidenote.
Nothing beats old style RO grinding to Max level.
Ohh … except Transcended RO Level Exp Curves.

Months of Months of grinding for level 97~99.
When Level 50~70 just takes a day for an skilled player, who knows where to grind.

When you killed 2000 High Orcs for 0,1% more Exp of your current level. You start to feel the grind xD.
I remember having fun in the cursed Monarchy as Assasin, moobing Monsters and grimmtoothing them to death in masses. Ahh … took me weeks to get the drops i wanted.

The Exp Rates aren’t the problem here.
And probably will be adjusted in some way.
Cheap Exp+ Buffs.
Etc. Etc.
The EXp Card’s are already Op xD.

But let’s see.

My Question was cleared. Discuss EXP Rates somewhere else pleaes.
This was only about the deduction of exp gain ^^ or addition if that’s a thing.

Remember that overkill is based on the monster’s max HP, not it’s current HP.

An attack for 300 will never overkill a mob with 400 max HP, even if it is weakened to 100/400 HP.

Also I believe there is a limit to overkill damage, but I don’t know for sure.

theres a floor of 2 exp in the formula

i Know.

But it’s easyer to do 3 times more damage (being 400HP Base). When it’s already really low.

I already have an rough calculations how good i will get overkills going in the first 20 levels. Based on streamers and their takes.

An Archer with Multishot. Does Multiple Attacks +Atk from Skill, which count as multiple Attacks sadly.
An hanamig with around 40Hp. Was Overkilled for around 200% with an Attack worth 100 per Atk. (was already low at around 20 Hp)

MultiShot is now not the best way to Overkill Enemys. As it’s a spread Atk. But it finishes many at a time.
(Mage or any single Count High DPS atk would be better)

Multishot 5 does about 83+your Atk Damage. Hit’s two times for death if lucky.
Kneelingshot 5 does about 31+your dex+your Atk Damage. Hit one time.

At Level 4~5 with an good bow drop (or at least when you reached the city for a better buy).
You have about 35 to 40 Physical Atk (without Str Extra adds, just everything in dex. Hanaming drop a good bow if your lucky).
An Multishot Arrow would do around 120 damage then.
Kneeling would be about 31+13+35~40= 119 DPS

So the funny thing is. Going 5 Kneeling first and max Dex. Would make it easy to overkill Hanamings or anything close to that level of HP, with autoatks alone. For an Hanaming that would be 200% Overkill without Crit and 350% with an crit roughly.

xD Kneeling is OP. Even if Multishot is good for killing of multiple at once, Kneelings Speed boost actually makes it a bit faster.Counting in CD of Mulitshot. If only you could kneel at bossfights xD … le sigh. Need tank xD (or luck with evasion. That one guy doged 90% of boss atks just sitting in one spot xD … had a drue drop boots with evasion. So that’s a way too.).

But as long as you can kill off enemys trough advancing your equipment and your skills, with an Overkill, your good to go.

I’m going for:

Multishot Max, Kneeling Max, Twin Shot Max, Olbique Shot a bit, Swift Step a bit, Heavy Shot and Full Draw 1.
Scout for Conceal, and the 50% DPS boost for Skills out of CLoaking~
Fletcher for the Barbed Shot and the Cross Explosion one. (The Cross thing seems op. Add CLoaking DPS Boost. And kill one enemy off with an Overkill. It will then spread to the next enemys, if that kills them it spreads wider … always in crossform. Barbed does 0~3 hits, which count as one hit skill, based on Armor.)

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Yes i ignored def.
But before level 13, not much def is on any enemy.


But when I kill a monster 10 lvls above me, I get 0,1% exp… Why?

Because a monster wont give that much more exp.
Check the values on tosbase.

The gain from them only slowly increases, while needed exp for a level increases rapidly~

A level 80 mob gives 400 exp. A level 120 mob 600 exp.
WHEN that 400 exp gave you 0,3~0,5% at level 100 it will only be about 0,08%.

It’s not just good to kil highe rleveld enemies, you need to kILL enemies you can OVERKILL.
Overkill multiplies the exp you get.
So an low monster that you overkill for 200%, gives 200% more exp.

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And yes.

Try to fight monsters that have low health.

Overkill is the value of “not needed dps” you have done to them on your killing hit.
Something like “enemy has 500 hp. When you hit hit with 500+500*2,55 Damage, you will get the maximum of exp.”.

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