Tree of Savior Forum

How does class system work?

It’s been a while since I played RO, to make things worse I never played official servers. (Boy do I wish I really did. Even though there was a grind) but I seem to have forgotten or know how exactly does the class system work.

So I get tos skips the novice idea and goes start to four basic classes. Then they evolve into new jobs. But as it seems as you get higher the jobs evolve into really a whole new class/job

I can’t give an example off my head cause Im on my phone. But I know there were jobs I didn’t like when going through the job tiers. Like from 4 to 5 (just making this up) I didn’t like T5 jobs but I wanted the T6 jobs.

Does changing the jobs as far as we know work the same as RO? Do you have to take that job? Does advancing jobs remove previous skills? Is there a way to skip jobs again to avoid a job we not nessarly want?

Thanks and sorry if it’s a repost

First of all, refer to this for better visualization:

Now let’s start with an example case study.

There are four basic classes in ToS; Swordsman, Cleric, Archer and Wizard. Let’s name them the Rank 1 classes. Let’s say you choose to become the Swordsman. And then, you level up your Swordsman until you are able to advance through the next class, which you can call the Rank 2 classes. Rank 2 classes which branches off from Swordsman consists of three classes; Another Swordsman, Highlander and Peltasta. You probably ask, does the Swordsman in Rank 2 is the same class with the one in the Rank 1? The answer is yes, in fact, Swordsman in Rank 2 is the more powered up version which brings more skills (You can learn two new skills as a Rank 2 Swordsman; Restrain and Pommel Beat). The question is, will you lose the skill you got in Rank 1 Swordsman if you chose to advance to Peltasta or Highlander? The answer is no. You will still carry the skills you got as Rank 1 Swordsman! You must get through Rank 2 to be able to advance to Rank 3, and so on, which answers to your question about whether or not you could skip classes.

But be very careful, in some cases, you wouldn’t be able to use the skills from previous ranks because of weapon restriction. For example, you chose to advance to Rank 5 Corsair after Barbarian at Rank 4. Corsair’s primary weapon is a one-handed weapon coupled with an offensive off-hand weapon, typically, a dagger type weapon. Barbarian is a class which uses a two-handed sword which a lot of its skills require you to equip a two-handed sword. But you can, of course, use buffs that were available at Barbarian skill tree because it has no weapon restriction (refer to the skill simulator).

Hopefully this explanation can give you a better image on how the class and skill system work in ToS. Again, for those who have played or experienced the game, you can, of course correct me if there are slight or major errors in my explanation.


Could I take swordsmen all the way up to rank 6 or say rank 4 then branch off?

Unfortunately, a certain class can only stay up to 3 ranks. So if you keep your Swordman until Rank 3 then at Rank 4 you are forced to choose 1 of the 2 rank 4 classes available, which are Cataphract and Rodelero.

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In addition to what everyone else has said, once you pass a certain rank, you cannot go back and pick up the class at later rank.

For example: You take swordie to the third circle (circles are the amount of times you stay in a class, adding another 15 job levels and extra skills, up to two times past the initial choosing of the class). You are forced to choose a rank 4 class. You cannot pick up a rank 2 or 3 class at rank 4, only the rank 4 classes are available.

Additionally, if you stopped a class at its second circle, and chose to change to another class, at no point are you allowed to go back and pick up the third circle of the previous class. You must either decide to change classes then, or continue onto the third circle and eventually be forced to choose a class out of whatever rank that would place you.

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Vyrmael explained the system well. When I first saw the early theories about the class system, I had believed that the circle limit wasn’t there. My original goal before that was to make it to Swordsman circle 10 and see what could happen from there, but they imposed a limit on that. :pensive:

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sad you can’t max a certain class. Would make it feel more class oriented and people could choose to make that said class stronger instead of forced into 2-3 classes end game.

Well, reaching the third circle of a class is essentially maxing it.

Is this true? Even the class simulator let u for example, pick wiz->cryo->cryo2->psy->cryo3->spy2->warlock

This thread is 8 months old. The class system has changed, so you can take whatever you want as long as you’ve passed that rank. Which is why the simulator lets you go back and forth.

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so for example wizard > cryo1 > psycho1 > cryo2 ?