Tree of Savior Forum

How do i remove attack effect?

Is there a way to remove attack effect without removing every skill effect in a game? What I want to get rid of is that white splash effect when you hit enemy. Its reducing fps a lot on high dex builds like Quarrel shooter 3. My fps stupidly jumps between 35 and even 120 just because of attack effect. What the hell.

And while we are at it: an option to remove enemy dead parts doesnt work properly either - it hides the parts BUT (and a huge BUT) game still processes and calculates them. This can be easily seen when you play with shadows - you get shadows for body parts that shouldn’t be there. And btw, just removing shadows would be a lazy approach to hide the problem instead of solving it.

Sometimes for me it removes every effect even if it is set to do the opposite.

Are You serious? Thats terrible bug. Dead parts and on hit effects are this game biggest fps sinkers.

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