Tree of Savior Forum

How can we fight a instance boss again?

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Do you mean quest boss?

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Quest bosses aren’t repeatable.

To farm bosses there are now 5-man dungeon instances, and all the good stuff is from world bosses, seems like there may also be raids according to the files.


You can also farm field bosses. You just need a party of 5 people and farm for a while. After some time you get a party quest. There you can summon the field boss. Every player on the map can attack it too tho. And those bosses are pretty hard

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Might be possible. But don’t expect to get very far when you enter them alone.

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there is only one instance atm that was introduced at kCBT 3 which is a lv 130 instance with a big harpia the witch (big freacking bird) as the boss~

P.S: Steparu mentioned the details on the bosses and there are 4 of them atm~ please check Step’s kCBT 3 review to get more info~

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I remember very well that I fought several crystal mines & other quest bosses more than once. After I finished the quest once, I can join another party that hasn’t completed the quest and help that party to fight the boss. The quest itself isn’t repeatable, but the bossfight is.


But you dont get loot neither xp anymore after you do them once, so its more like a help for who need them completed.

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those are quest bosses, but after the 1st time you did it, you won’t get any more rewards unless u can glitch it

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reward system for the instance are basically the same everywhere, random loot, in order or individual~

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Thats what dungeons are for, for gearing you up, but i do get what you mean by soloing, well i dont know how IMC will face that, probably just ignore and go with the dungeon, so we will have to find a party to do it.

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I would love to re-run bosses…IF, they made the encounters more fun.


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You can solo it if you want. But be warn their HP and damage is crazily high.
Normal field boss can spawn normally too without need to use party event.

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[quote=“Erokhi, post:8, topic:37648”]
I remember very well that I fought several crystal mines & other quest bosses more than once.
[/quote]This. I have a few copies of the same boss card, like Chapparition, Unknoker and Cyclops, because they appear later in other quests.

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Field bosses appear to be the same as MvPs. You’ll see them once in a blue moon, and then probably a higher level player will come and destroy it before you can even say “Safety Chon”.


I know the feeling, i do hope they implement something like that, would be fun to do a time attack mode on dungeons.

Thats where level lock drop could come in, i mean, the world bosses could respawn randomly with their levels based on the present map they respawn, so only players around that level (lets say ±5 levels difference) could receive xp/drops from them. And making the bosses more challenging, that can only be faced by a raid group.

Btw, anyone have any info on the raid size on ToS? Im curious about that too.

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There’s 2 instances, steparu did the easier one, anyone can solo that past 130, there is also a 200 one, which anyone can solo up to the bosses with enough evasion, however the bosses are quite difficult, I think you will need at least 2 people (a linker), soloing is too difficult because there are many many adds, that do magic damage.