Tree of Savior Forum

How be GM at Silute Server

i wanted be GM that server to BAM the Bots players in something maps from game. I would stay 24t on game to bam, i would bam with pleasure that fool players, for exemple at map Vilna Forest 5 bot in 1 channel has 4 bots in others, so… cuz it i wanna be GM that, how do ?? Stabilize the server n bam that players, i will fade machine for it \o

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stay 24t on game man -.- be one machine, get it ?

I am wondering if it would be less problematic to understand you if you spoke in portuguese instead, then again, with what i see on FB and some forums, most BRs have a terrible issue of jumble letters into their sentences.

I really do feel shame in this country, people put the blame on educational system, but i see many don’t make an effort to learn at least a proper portuguese, even less other languages.

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First Step: Learn how to speak english.


Yeah sure. What could go wrong? /s

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Mano, se ta fazendo os br passarem vergonha.

Don’t take this seriously guys, and don’t generalize on BR people Nirimetus.

Okay… North American think spanish equal the portugues, they r racism n xenophobic… extremely dumb. at least I risk more than 1 different language of you, i don live there to learn !!! so… shut up !!! i am speaking about the game, ignorant

at least i tried speak n learn n games global n music n u??? neither it can bitch -.-

to u see how north american so intelligent !!!

oh my! It seems that the reply that I posted here which was actually highly relevant to the topic has mysteriously disappeared. I wonder why.

Let’s try this again.

If you want to be a GM, I would guess you need to send a job application to IMC , applying to be one. As a GM, you are the face of the company. You will need thick skin, as comments such as the following will get you fired faster than clay in a pottery kiln, and also damage IMC’s reputation.

and [quote=“sh4dow16, post:8, topic:313311”]
they r racism n xenophobic… extremely dumb.

So, as a GM you do get to ban botters and hackers (after a proper investigation which likely has to be submitted as paperwork to be approved by higher ups), but in order to maintain that power, you are forced to be on your best behavior at all times, even while facing a constant stream of nagging, insults, complaints, whining, and being told what you can and cannot say. I do not envy GMs… :sweat:

[Reads Thread title]
[Reads OP’s Posts]

Sir, I don’t think you’re qualified to monitor a Rock, let alone an entire server.

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Heck, he’d call the Rock xenophobic for not speaking more than two languages and throw it off a window in rage after writing three posts about it in rapid succession.

I don’t know how much special is a GM. They don’t play the game like us man, they work on it, and they don’t ban (not BAM) the bot, goldsellers or another RMT kind of player. They analyze the reports and check the players status and history to made it.

I prefer to play my game as a ordinary player!

Dude, before trying to apply for a job at a foreign company you should learn their language, or at least write properly in your own.

Anyhow, tell me more about your plans to “stabilize the server n bam players”.

@cardox hahahaha
at least this is how should work

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bam bam bam :joy: /20chars

Did someone call?

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I think you should read my post again, I said most, it doesn’t mean it is all the BRs. and next time you mark someone’s forum name you put an @ in it so we can come and answer you.

Anyway, i will ignore this thread since it is another spam thread.