Tree of Savior Forum

How badly did I mess up?

Currently level 136 Wiz 2>Kino 3> hoping to go wiz 3 and then necro afterwards.
And I believe I messed up on stats c: (Big surprise, I know)
As of right now, I have 43 con 186 int 33 spr. I started leveling spr early, but after researching some, I found out it was a bad idea :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t plan on rerolling because, screw that. So how bad is it? Or is it so little points that it hopefully wont affect me too much? Also. is a 2:1 int con good?

it won’t really matter in the end. not even 1% of final damage.

“enough con that you don’t die all the time”
“enough spr that you’re not always out of MP”
“so much int.”

Your fine. Just stop putting more on Spirit and increase your con for your next stat points.

more points in Con and int.
with your build, you might as well get either Warlock or rune caster, not necromancer.

You can go full con from now on if you want to PvP and take Warlock instead of Necro.

You can also go in a moderate ratio of INT and con for PvE, mostly INT, but you should still take Warlock, or Featherfoot maybe? Even RC is and option if you have a Cryo 3 friend (Cryo 3 Chrono 3 would be your best friend for life).

Thanks guys! So why not necro?

Necro kind of ruins the build. 3 Wiz/3Kino/Lock is one of the best pvp builds out there and highly underused. Pet AI is too bad to bother with necro atm. The first time you cast Raise into Pillar of Agony you’ll slap yourself for ever thinking of doing otherwise.

Necro is very gimmicky and for now it’s under powered, also almost every skills he has need corpses which you can only get paying for a potion(500silver) that gives 30 corpses(you use 15 corpses on a single cast of flesh cannon) or by using gather corpse+disinter(not sure how good they are)

also you are taking necro at rank7 so you can’t get c2 and that’s where you unlock skeletons and many says it’s a great skills for afk faming and such

p.s. i’m still going necro on my alt because i like it but i know it’s not the best class, so if you want, go for it but know that Necro is very buggy/up