Tree of Savior Forum

How about a discord server focused on Fencers?

EDIT: I made a server for testing, link here:

I am for some time thinking about making a discord server in order to promote Fencer build debate and to share all my knowledge and also some non ToS related fencer games.

The first question is, are there any servers that already do this specifically?

And the second, would you, Fencer player, join it or do you find it to be an exaggeration and would rather prefer a mixed class debate?

Thanks for your opinion!

I dont think theres a server aside from the alchemist discord in term of specific class

and I dont mind joining a discord for a specific class as long as its cool and civil with some meme to it. I do prefer it to be in a general discussion but doesn’t really bother me either way

Uhhh I would find that an exaggeration. It’s like trying to glorify Fencers so I dunno.


Well, a General Talk Channel is a common thing, so no issues having that

Well, that is what fans do, so I can’t deny that would happen :V

Although I predict it would be lot’s of people crying because it’s a masochist class to level.

I liked Fencer back when we only had 7 ranks and I had a really good friend IGN Vanmoure I played with most of the time.

I was a highlander barb 3 doppel while he was sw2 barb 3 fencer 2 and we would actually compare stuff all the time with each other.

I didn’t actually make a fencer until c3 came out and Van disappeared due to IRL stuff. I took it upon myself to fill the fencer gap he left behind in the guild. When I was c2 they changed the stat system and nerfed fencer’s epee stance.

I liked how fencer looks and the skills are really cool but the SP drain is really too much for how much DPS it does compared to doppel. I must say that new fencer’s non-crit damage is like a crit from the old fencer days but it just pales in comparison to most other classes at those ranks and I just stopped playing my fencer.

That’s a shame because I really like swordies the most in this game, especially because of Pain Barrier. But my 2 highest leveled swordies are Templars and I invested too much into my hackapell to not main it so I’m stuck playing my hackapell. If it’s any comfort to myself, I play my hackapell like a melee even in TBL lol.

I actually won the same fencer 5 times in a row in melee combat in TBL. He kept coming at me for revenge only to get killed by double storm bolt.

Edit: I found levelling fencer much better than before combat rework actually.

Yeah the Epee nerf was pretty inconvenient, but you know what is worse, even with the high SP counted in? Critical rate being one of the most expensive stat for swordsman to acquire.

If something killed Epee, it was the critical rate nerf.

I say that because if Fencer crited nicely, like before, the SP cost would be an OK balance.

One of the things that me and most veteran Fencers says, almost like a motto, is that it’s okay if you reroll your fencer, only those who really really love the theme that can tolerate this class.

I won’t ever reroll it cause it’s like the only memory left of my friend in the game lol. I even made that character look identical to his.

I don’t actually mind the crit rate nerf if epee still did insane damage on crits. I like how crits actually feel like crits rather than crits being normal damage.

Also, idk why finestra even gives 200 crit rate when spear classes don’t really need crit that much to compare to other classes.

Almost like a love story :heart_eyes:

Hope he returns one day, I also have some Fencer friends that disappeared and would love to see them again.

About the SP drain - don’t level Composee and Flanconnade. Leave it at lv1. The SP to damage ratio isn’t worth it when you level these skills. I never have problems with SP this way.

About the epee nerf - get gear that add physical attack instead. That way you’re actually doing damage when not critting, as opposed to scratching the enemy when u don’t crit.

You need decent gear to play fencer anyway. With decent gear, 600+ crit rate isn’t hard to achieve. I find the lack of defense / mdef to be the biggest problem actually, due to having to wear leather

Yeah I figured the points in composee wasn’t worth since the SP update.

This is my build now, 8 spare points because it’s not CL 15 yet. I totally ditched Composee but I should prolly add 1 point in it.

My opener drains my SP to 0, along with the first rotation after it. The second rotation onwards I’m able to sustain my SP. (With level 15 alchemtst pots).

I always stacked patk over catk anyway so that doesn’t really change anything.

Still using Nyx Set with Spada/Venier. I switch to venier just for longer Epee duration since I crafted it before combat rework.

EDIT: Forgot to link the build lol.

I made a video to showcase fencer dps solo in ET(solo as in im the only one in ET). Stay tuned :ok_hand:

Definitely take up at least 1 Composee and 1 Flanconnade. I’ve turned tables in TBL using Flanconnade before, when I had melee brawls with Murmillos when we’re both low on HP. I spammed Flanconnade which kept me alive but the Murmillo didn’t know what was going on and spammed his skills until he died :joy:

Preparation can be left at 1. It’s really only used for the double damage on next skill, I never used it to block stuff to be honest.

I ended up maxing Sept so it becomes on par with Flash damage-wise (I think Flash still wins by a tiny bit) but your remaining points is up to your personal preference (and SP capacity). With Composee and Flanconnade at 1, I can go through a whole rotation without drinking a potion.

Also I’d get at least level 3 bash for the knockdown, it’s so good in repositioning monster so they stack on top of each other. I’d take the points out of Restrain, it’s just not what it used to be anymore, especially in PVP

I made the server, so for those who want to join and do some Fencer talking, just join it

I use prep to block quite often, like harpedia for example when he goes into that knockback spam lol.

It’s up to you, i prefer to use flanconnade to tank damage, it’s much more reliable

Btw forgot to mention, there is a hidden synergy with fencers where if you use pain barrier, your autoattacks become much faster, almost to the speed of corsair’s DWA. Dunno if this is intentional or a bug though, but it’s good for an AA pillage build

I think that’s coincidence where the ping suddenly drops.
Like this

Yeah, I noticed that also haha! Whenever I use pain barrier, my AA speed is crazy fast. I didn’t know if that was just a bug or intentional? Also, does that “trick” work on every SW class or just fencer?

Only Fencer, I’ve played other classes and never noticed this.

@hubertorito nothing to do with ping, every time I cast Pain Barrier I am guaranteed to get this fast AA speed. My ping is pretty constant too

Actually any of my swordsman that have more than 150 DEX has this effect from pain barrier.

I believe it is a bug as it did not happen before.