Tree of Savior Forum

Hoplites 3 Let's unite in this topic!

Same deal as the Cataphract 3 and Shinobi topics.

Let’s get in on the fun!

So someone on another topic said that hoplite is one of the most balanced classes for swordsman. Not sure why that is…is it because it is well rounded and offers a lot of synergy for a lot of other potential builds? Or is it because it’s just a well rounded class that offers a solid base for anything after?

Anyways, so conflicted on next rank for my hop 3.

Let’s share tips and experience to make the experience better for all.


Actually i’m still testing my CON/DEX Hoplites build.

Here is my build.

Still lv 170 only now.

Main spell is Finestra, Spear Throw and Spear Lunge.
All of those is MAX level.

The reason not main on Stabbing and Pierce because it really depend on STR and CD.

Spear Lunge got really fast anime that’s why i MAX it.
Then just keep spam Spear Throw for hold mob.

At boss fight just do this combo.
Swash Buckling + Finestra + Concentrate + Pain Barrier + Spear Lunge + Pierce + Stabbing + spam Spear Throw.

With this combo none of those other player can take away your aggro.
But it really danger because all of those Mob + Boss gonna aim you and need to stand still.
Drag to wall kinda slow for spam except boss.

And full tank combo is Swash Buckling + Guardian + Pain Barrier + Stabbing only.
Stabbing buff extra evasion and magic defense.

Now for the part didn’t testing yet.

Umbo Blow + Restrain combo.
It can up to 45% stun chance with 2 time use and 12 sec cool down.
Thinking use it at annoying magic mob or use Spear Throw Blind.

Of course this build is aiming for dungeon.

I just killed a magic boss with spear throw exclusively lol. Just throw, run to the other end throw repeat. cheap as ■■■■ but works xD

I kinda wanna go into cata next rank then dragoon then I’ll have all 3 spear classes.

i don’t see why you’d go SW2 tho… there are like 20 mobs clumped up on you and you can only potentially stun 4-5 targets with finestra attribute and additional aoe ratio considering they have a defense ratio of 2.

SW2 won’t offer much unless you go pvp (SW3). go doppel or corsair for more party utility/ damage.

Doppel is good for pure PvE, you get cyclone, dopple, double pay earn. i can see how cyclone can potentially be used for group PvP but for dueling it won’t be too effectively seeing as you move at half speed while cycloning…enemies can just walk out of the way. But yea still good since it does a ton of damage if you can connect.

Corsair is good … i want to say corsair is good for PvP but iron hook into long stride combo doesn’t really work since long stride does a knock back lol… And besides…long stride is kinda buggy right now, but even if it gets fixed the range is just a little small to be comfortable. and besides you get this even if you go into…

Cataphract…this is actually a class that has insane synergy with hoplite 3. firstly you get 40% block penetration with 2h spear which is what you gonna use in PvP against mages since you can’t block. as we all know, stone skin gives people insanely high block if you wanna actually hit them you might want to get some block penetration this is one way to do it. Secondly, you get skills you can use on the move such as steed charge, earth wave, impale. With trot you can have +14 movement speed, without tro it’s only +4 so at this point you will be slower than sprinting, but you can just dismount, and do a long stride and remount later when trot is back up. if you rank up impaler you can get 12 seconds of full cc which is quite insane… besides earth wave is good even at low level becuz at least it hits 5 times which will scale well. steed charge im not sure about how good it is but probably put 1 point since it’s low cd and has a knockdown, plus you can move faster than normal which is great since cata already moves faster than usual.last but not least, mount riding so you can get some bonus hp and def and evasion.

Looking at this pvp video:

It kinda looks like the cata in this video is super nooby doesn’t even use earth wave doesn’t use steed charge doesn’t use fking rush which is the trade mark i guess maybe low level but no reason not to use earth wave at least he just spams freaking impaler lol which is probably lv1. but anyways, i can totally see how much better off he would be if he had like spear throw lol. spamming gae bulg on 30s cooldown? ugh

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I hope i can try it :slight_smile:.

I’m group with a Hoplites using Brandish maybe full STR because low hp and he can’t manage take away my aggro.

Just last night my hoplite 3 became doppel. So far i LOVE it

Cyclone is amazing for mobbing. I have it maxed now. At this point cant decide what else to grab. But ppl say dpde is bugged so i moght eother take 2 points or skip completely. Deeds offer nothing to me sonce i use skills (cant benefit from attack speed up) and taking extra 50% damage would suck… but taking damage skills might be an overkill.

Skills do benefit from Deeds of Valor because the buff raises your physical attack by 50%. If you have 1000 physical that’s an extra 500 damage per skill hit, 750 on crits, and even more when you factor in Spear Lunge bonus and skill enhance attribute. And you don’t take 50% more damage with it, only your defense stat is reduced 50%, and defense has a rather small effect in this game.

DPE is not bugged. It gives 100% more of monsters base exp, and if an item drops while it’s active you get two if the item instead. That even doubles rare drops that have less than 1% rate.

I recommend going 5 Cyclone, 5 DoV, 4 DPE, 1 Mordschlag. Mordschlag is not a good damage skill, but it does have the same knock back power as Umbo Blow and can be used as an alternative when equipped with 2h spears. Punish is not worth using.

Ok so now, i only said about attack speed. Dov also increases incomming damage by 50%. That goes to magic a swordie you already lack magic defence, with this even faster will you die. If you also buff dpde that is another x3 on top of it… or x2 with attribute… that is a LOT of damage. Murchdag crits 100% on cloth with attribute so it does do decent damage.

In my opinion you either take dov or dpde not both. But again i am not sure myself sice dov does increase damage of already increased trow spear which can probably do over 10k crits at that point

Like I said, you do not take 50% more damage with DoV on. Your defense stat is only going to reduce damage by like 100-500 damage when monsters are hitting you for 3000+ damage. Losing 50% defense is barely anything. I use the buff all the time and have no problems.

DPE does make you take a lot of damage though, but you only use it when grinding for item drops, not for leveling or doing dungeons.

I crit plenty already has a hop3, 100% rate on Mordschlag makes no difference. Single hit attacks are weak compared to multi hits like cyclone, stabbing, dragontooth, serpentine, and dragon soar.

They really need to fix their skill descriptions because it is confusing. I was under the impression of 50% more damage intake. Oh well i stand corrected. Thank you.

What about that other damage skill from doppe?

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Yeah that con is gonna let you take 1 more hit from boss before dying super useful right? If you cant dodge you will be useless either way.

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I would ask them if i could get atleast 1 in 5 dungeon runs.

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My build plan is SW1/Pelt1/Hop3/Dopp1/Dragoon1

Now I’m doppel, I really like “Double Pay Earn” so much and plan to make it lv5max…

this skill help me boost EXP a lot when play lv100mission (try to aim for last hit by keep high brust DMG skill like stabbing and use when boss hp really low) or use when i found shining mob / gold mob or blue mob (JACKPOT!!)

Cyclone with moving Attribute is amazing no need to talk about it haha XD.

last 5 skill point i will choose “Dead of Valor”.

are there other builds that have better overall damage potential than this build? (whether aoe or single target, burst or sustained)

cat > hop 3 > dop > drag

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are you using spear? sorry i forgot to mention spear-damage build