Some one test homun using Chrono skils ? I’m thinking to create a Chrono alch
Dagger wiz work with alch 3?? or need enchanter+chrono?
I have a pyro> linker c2 and I do not know what I do
pyro 2 or linker c3 and go dagger+wiz full dex
How will I use Rain if it is C3?
You probably have to wait for rank 9 if you wanted that.
Or, if it still works this way, get a C3 Alchemist to make you a Alchemist’s Stone while you’re only C2.
I have no idea if this works.
Didn’t test anything about Homunculus for the change since that character became something else.
Does the caster’s skill ranks matter when used by homunculus? Or does the homunculus default to level 1 versions of the caster’s skills? Say I have 15 Joint penalty, will the homunculus use level 15 joint penalty or less than that?
Man, it seems all these homunculi summoners kept the details for themselves :3 (jk)
Does anybody know how Ice Wall works when casted along an homunculus?
It works as if a party member casts ice wall. You can’t control when homonculus casts it, so it is a horrible skill to put in there. Also, homonculus’s stats are bad so it won’t be much use for the ice shards either.
i made a humunculus once and now this buff appears on my secondary buff bar. so i dont now what this mean, can i summon the homunculus again? that not expire ??? my char has become a homunculus ???
That buff probably just means “You have a homunculus summoned right now.” Sorcerors get the same thing with their summon familiar spell to tell them that they currently have familiars active.
there are very few homun summoners because it’s not really worth it. 10 day limit kills the fun, just like with how hamsters used to be. and the inability to team storage trans weapons.
The best homun skills are jp16 (link3 alch3 magic missile) and kino3 raise.
fire pillar will become viable with the summoner patch, and it’s probably the strongest pyro3 build, but it’s not gonna be enough to make pyro top tier dps since homuns don’t benefit from agny or attributes.
This is the reason why i dont even bother to get myself an homunculus maybe in the future they will fix this, who knows…
I made one when it arrives from kTOS, but the low dmg and need to get all those itens to respawn him after a couple days, make homun worthless.
They should just copy the old RO homunculus system, with a couple changes.
Strongest pyro3 build would include alchemist you think? But homonculus has like 1k m.atk, and the AI is horribad…
yeah. full spr won’t help the homun much with only 1k matk.
but the upcoming patch adds your weapon matk to summons… which can make homun somewhat powerful. you just gotta put only fire pillar on it and no other skill. one firepillar every 18 seconds… (JP16 if you wanna be support)
fireball is also pretty useful to precast during item awakenings which could get scary on 315+ gear
pyro3 alch2 sorc2 should be rather strong now. the biggest barriers remaining are:
–homun duration, who wants to spend ?2m? + every 10 days? (and alch stones are such a pain to make, and need alch3),
–inability to team storage trans items (don’t like being stuck in “main” chars that much, who would risk alchemist)
- agny. having much of your damage stuck on agny and not the skill (making homun version weaker, and keeping you from wearing solmiki necklace).
-homunculus graphics. not everyone wants to see a flying blue naked butt all the time. Ragnarok Online had better choices here.
Oh, that’s interesting…I had no idea that alchemist homonculus also got new scaling
Will homonculus get our skill attributes as well?
Like for example the Lethargy: Strike damage?
no attributes. no fireball burn, no firepillar damage, no JP earth bonus… the homun is the caster and owner, not you.
the items are not so hard to get now. still is a little time consuming
Now with changes, anyone test homunculus? I know AI still the same but homun got SPR/Weapon buff like socer/necro?
homunculus maybe get the bonus … but since he never autoattack , we cannot know.
still cast skill pretty much at random so is not so much like u needed it for be competent… is just a little gimmick.
i’m gonna make a new alchemical stone for some special occasion, to brag about it with my guild and something, but not feeling like i needed it all time