Tree of Savior Forum

[Holywar] Rugal vs TOS-forum community

heh, so u still playing ingame?

do u think the game still fun?


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nah. iā€™ve stopped actually playing for about a month now. The more i see thereā€™s not much end-game content, the more i lose interest.

hi5 bro

i quit as well

so u still hoping rank8 content will save TOS? shouldnt u be farming shards now?


giving it to other publishers/devs will save ToS. Iā€™m surprised how I survived a buggy and exploited game but if the content is lacking, itā€™s not worth going through all those nightmares.

Lol, this game canā€™t be saved. We wouldnā€™t even see full game, more that that we wouldnā€™t even see Rank 9. Mark my words.

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was saying that before it was cool~

why do u think this my 3rd accountā€¦


just found out this guy deleted his builds!


complete ā– ā– ā– ā– 


lord knight build is pretty badā€¦

nah, itā€™s fine even now, except stats

What the hell is happening here and what kind of thread is this?
What is this fight, what are people fighting for?

@ _ @

So this guy is the one ackknowledged by the nickname of Rugal, then i ask you this question:

What level is your main? And what is the type of content you mostly play?

Because if you did not play the game to a certain point, recommending anything is kind ofā€¦ i mean why would you spend more time creating builds instead of actually playing the game.

For an example, people always told me full dex archer is poor distribution etc, so i am rolling one to test it out. If i ever come back to give any opinions about it, i am gonna have pragmatic knowledge by my side, instead of theorycraft. The theory is just right when it can be appplied or was already observed in practice, and that is really it.

Do not think numbers and math magics are the only things that matter. I saw your hoplite build that maxed synchro thrust, in a discussion with someone you presented lots of calculations of why hop3 is superior to hop2barb1, when the main point of barb 1 was beefing up cyclone and not only were your calculations, like, meaningless for the 90% part of them due to the existance of so many particularities in a game with chronomancers and other support classes, they wre also meaningless because the comparison between the situations requires you to analyze the particularities at which each build would perform better.

You could simply argue in favor of finestra 15 anyways.

I mean you should stop with this here. People are gonna focus to put you to shame, you should dedicate yourself to play the game, get a high level character, and then you may come and understand why many things you have done up to this moment are not correct. And this is simply it. You have much time to create builds and post to, then you have decent amounts of time to dedicate into leveling your toons.

Well why all the people trying to teach me something ?
Why do you think that theory-craft is not supported by the practise ?
Why all of you think that i donā€™t play game ? I rerolled so many characters and so many of then are lost(wiped) in all that CBT events that you donā€™t imagine.

Actually all of them are 99% precise. If you not agree, where were you on that thread ? Hop 3 is not a Finestra itā€™s all about Spear Throw, itā€™s a pity that you donā€™t see that, coz it actually is.

It became good only after a recent update. Using it to justify an old build is cheap.


It was good before that update. Now itā€™s even better.

Donā€™t get me wrong, i am totaly on Murmillo now, but this one makes me happy.

Regardless of what you still think in regards to that discussion, stop spend time creating builds and play the actual game.

You did not get the point.

Then why did you use a new video?

How about using a pre-update video of a similar run to show how cool it was? Obliterating the whole dungeon with an old 1-hit Spear Throw with cooldown or something like that.