Tree of Savior Forum

Highlander buff now, IMC?

Dear IMC,

Thanks for your hard work during all that time. A lot has been done and I’m really excited to know kToS patches and PvP are coming soon. I really appreciate it, you made me return to the game.

As you’re nerfing Highlander to iToS version, would you, by any chance, consider giving Kartar Stroke it’s glory back? ) At least, if it could scale better with increasing levels, it would’ve been enough for me.

Thank you.

Ah! I see…


get use to it :imp:

PD: Cartat Stroke is amazing the way it is…

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You do know the nerfs KToS got are the things we have had since the begigning of IToS, right?

Also Highlander had this 0cd before they start buffing everything about swordie (The 1,3 physical damage / STR) for exemple

It’d be cool if leveling it didn’t drastically increase the charge time.

if you mean cartar, it doesn’t…

the skill works just like energy bolt and you can pre release a weaker lvl faster

Yeah it does…

My lv 3 cartar stroke takes almost 2 seconds to full charge and skill description says “Casting time 0.5”, it’s 0.5 per skill level

Have you ever tried to full charge a lv 15 cartar stroke?? Takes ages…

I have a lvl 9 CS and I can almost spam it from lvl 1-5 with low fps…

You can use low level cartar stroke, but what I meant and what @exdarklight said is that a lv 2 CS takes 1s to charge, a lv 4 takes 2s, and so on.

Unlike Cataphract’s Earth Wave that is 0.5 seconds on all levels, same on Energy Bolt and Full Draw.

Cartar Stroke lv 15 is unreliable due the horrifying 7.5 seconds to full charge…

There’s a few variations to ‘charge time’

  1. Flat amount - Full Draw, Earth Wave, etc.

  2. Fixed max amount - Energy Bolt, Ice Bolt, etc where as you level the skill, the time required to charge to X level is proportion to the max charge time, i.e. if Energy Bolt requires 1s to charge, lv 5 EB would take 0.2s to charge to lv 1 and ready to fire.

  3. Cumulative cast time - Cartar, Meteor, Multishot, etc. Where to reach higher level, you takes that much longer to charge. It makes the skill frankly not viable to max since those higher levels are worthless unless you are given the space to charge the skill that far. (Archer have reduced charge time attribute at c2, Elememe have Quickcast)

thanks for the info…

I’m implying “now that they’ve finally made up their mind on whether iToS or kToS balance version would be final”. I am aware.