Tree of Savior Forum

High time for R9 previews?

Given the low morale of the players/community for ToS, it will be great for some morale boosters to be released to the public to generate more interest and hype for ToS.

We do know the planned release for R9 is still far away, but we have 8 new classes with circle 1, and 16 existing classes that are receiving their circle 2 and 3 skills for R9 content. Just showcasing 1 new class per week, with their back lore, skills and skill animations on some new map, and lumping 4 existing classes skill showcase per week will generate 12 weeks worth of marketing updates for the community.

Pros of spreading out and doing the preview campaign:

  • Generate hype for upcoming content release
  • Breathe new life to the community forums, create interest
  • Give players time to theorycraft, which in turns make players create new toons to “prep” for the new classes, translates to more chances of selling more TP stuff.
  • Gather feedback and data on theorycrafted builds from the community and use them to tweak the still in the works patch to match the designer/developer’s concept.

Cons of doing this early:

  • Marketing department will have more work to do, but it does have more positive tradeoffs.

What they could do:

Showcase some new Class sprites/Class master artworks, but as Silhouettes in black only, with some teasing information below, similar to how Nintendo/Gamefreaks teases their new Pokemon for each generation.

What they should do:

Showcase some information on Circle 3 of Rank 7 and Circle 2 of Rank 8 Classes.
It doesn’t have to be much, just some concepts of what they are planning/discussing to do. People from the community can always come up with interesting additions and help cutting costs,e.g. by advices to recycle/utilize already in-built&working systems for new skills&effects. New Class content doesn’t have to be 100% original to be befitting the Class it represents. Sometimes less is more.

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What they actually do: fix bugs (and also create some new?) and make more events.

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Speak for yourself…


Well there isn’t a % nor number tagged to it, 1 person (if is just me only) of players/community the sentence still holds true? :3

Anyway, yeah given the happenings in the guild these days… it is rather demoralizing to see everyone getting bored due to having nothing else to do in game.

I think @Nekorin is right. It has always worked before. IMC needs to do something to maintain interest in the game, even for those who have stopped playing for the time being or new other games will just pull them out.

This won’t be enough, but it’s at least a step in the right direction compared to not doing anything at all for months. It’s sad that we’re heading towards square one again.


no it doesn’t :disappointed:

I will let you read your sentence again after you rest…

try not to facepalm too hard after you do so :smirk:

Nah, your are correct. This is me now :sweat_smile:


Okay let’s say this: iTOS will have rank 9 info at least 1-2 weeks later when ktos/ktest has their articles about rank 9 so don’t expect anything so soon since ktos still has no info about rank 9.

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Once there are R9 previews for KTOS, we will know anyway (at least those who know some basic Korean and can use Toktogi and Navers online dictionary).

Maybe the devs are overworked or on vacation, that’s why there’s nothing coming?
I imagine them as mangaka who have to work overtime to meet the deadline…

Especially the summer is the season that’s hardest to keep players as they do everything else outside instead of playing the damn game. BBQing, cycling, swimming, camping,walking around, everything seems to be a better option than playing TOS honestly. Now if the weather wasn’t just cloudy&rainy here since almost 2 weeks…

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Cons of doing this early:
•Marketing department will have more work to do, but it does have more positive tradeoffs.

Does this game even have a marketing department? If so they doing a real bad job since ive never seen any ads or features streamers/ youtubers paly the game… Then again why would they play a game in this state xD

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KTOS ads is done by Nexon I think. I saw TOS image on a bus in kr before

In my country, some gaming newspaper did recommend ppl to try ToS. This is the reason why I know and play tos.

they will be inside of Leticia’s Secret Cube.


It all boils down to:

There is nothing to work towards to.

No interesting PvP features (please, GvG was a joke and so is TBL)

No open world faction war, terrority wars, enhanced guild wars, castle sieges, you name it, zero interesting PvP features.

Leads to no practical need to get strong in PvP except if you are interested in pulverizing oppenents with or without your high trans weapons/armor in TBL (with not much practical prizes)

PvE? Solmiki and Demon Lords WB are at the peak already. Sufficiently geared is all you need to clear comfortably till 30f. 35f and above will need some more gearing, depending on party compositions. But aside from that, again, there is nothing to work towards to.
There are no big mechanical bosses/raids/trials which requires advanced gearing (eg need minimum trans 7 orange weapons and trans 4 et/solmiki armors to meet dps and survivability requirements else you will just melt even with healers)

Till iToS reaches that stage of features, it is simply just Tree of Chores/Gacha over and over again, and even with the best weapons and armor have no practical use whatsoever in game content for now. I really hope ToS can offer much more to entice players to stay. At current stage, it quickly drowns to boredom.

Till Rank 9, fellow saviors. Even till then I highly doubt IMC is capable of bringing any viable content to the game. New Klai, new classes, new maps, new quests, more ET floors grinding, more orange weapon nightmares to farm for, aaaaand you will see its the same cycle as R8.


Ah good to know, although still never seen any western adds, i.e promoted youtubers and streamers or youtube/ twitch ads

actually nekorin is right.
i remeber i quit TOS last year and then whn the wizard r8 announcements came out i got hype and started playing again. then i quit again in like october and then with the combat changes in may i rejoined!

Even I’m very looking forward for R9 but I still think it too early despite still many broken in game.

As they said they still have few balance patches before R9, some classes like Krivis/Pyro/hunter still need improve gameplay abit.

GvG/PvP contents still needed the most at the moment, we will need different modes of serious/casual PvP/GvG in some interesting maps. Example: Go Cart or Hit Fireballs into goal

R9 must not only introduce new classes/stories/maps/quests, but itemization as well.
With the remove of x8 chappy/moles cards + revamp saalus, I will keep an eye on the transcendence gears. previously x8 chappy/moles + high transcendence together is too broken.
1 of the easiest way to improve itemization is revamp Gem System, current Color Gems and Monster Gems are very boring, they just add raw values and nothing much. something like d2 rune system would be good, or attack modifier.

Golden Whale seem a nice event for server participation, although we still need optimization on the massive objects, but I think it is good if we have 1 map for example, in R9, monster will started to attack Orsha City, there are multiple bosses spawning in the city and we need many teams to defeat them in different corner of the city. Like every 1H of event in the weekend.

We also need Activity Points, whatever player do in game dungeon/mission/saalus/bossing/fantasy/questing etc, players will earn certain activity points and these points can be exchange to untradeable common items, like golden anvil, materials, and etc.

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Totally agree with you, they need to start build up the HYPE!, specially with the latest updates in KR.

While I disagree with the basic 1st statement, different modes of PVP like e.g. a soccer match(or rather polo match)/cricket match/baseball match/Lacrosse match could be an interesting alternative to the boring usual PvP matches where everything boils down to Class choices,skill choices, basestats and gear progression to achieve something.

Having sports-like competitions where everyone has the same chances of winning would be very interesting. Even a Fishing competition could be fun.

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