Tree of Savior Forum

[Hidden Archer Class Suggestion] Ballistra /Siege /Artillery

Hello Saviors! I’ve been thinking this for a while, most of TOS classes only Archers branch got no existing Hidden Class. So I’ve come into idea of sharing if this suggestion would do for Archer’s Hidden branch. So here she is…

I present to you the Ballistra (Siege, Artillery are other optional names)

The Idea: Its a Class named after a unit with specialty of using Ballista-type weapons. Unlike crossbows, ballistas (e.g. gastraphetes) are held two-handed, heavy and slightly slow compared to crossbows/bows. In exchange, the damage and range are greatly increased yet within a limited rounds/bolts. (well for exception of few)

They also able to deploy “heavy-armaments” like a turret, and also have a unique mount class attribute and skill upgrade quests.

The Outfit: It would be great if I could draw, but let’s say it wears light-plated armor similar to a Roman or Medieval infantry style. Not much bulky and not too thin along with a matching helmet on.

The Skills & Attributes: Here I will present the skills according to its inspired concept close to the existing weaponry/balistic in relation to Balista.

“The Bigger the Better.”

Ballistras will be available in Rank 6 or 7’s hidden class slot. Allows you to use Ballista-type weapons. (Class Attribute)

Quest to become one would be similar to some Archer class, but with an exception of collecting materials (?), manual books and doing errands from the Job NPC. (Class Attribute)

“Engineers of a Deathly Creativity”

The Ballistra are able to construct and deploy turret-like armaments at their disposal, which requires upgrades and enhancements through its “Class Quests” via their Job NPC. (Class Attribute/ Skill)

“Idle nor Mobile - Death Sentinels”

The Ballistra skill set is based, mostly on projectiles and construction of it’s sentries. Along with its unique mount attribute, its lethality is greater, effective & deadly. (Class Attribute)

About the Skills: Names are after the inspired existing weaponry which led me to this suggestion. If you have some names in mind please let me know. (For now, I’ll leave it on their inspired names.)

First Cycle
(Skill name [cost/materials])

Penetrating Bolts [sp/Oversized Bolt x1 per hit]: Ballistra’s normal attacks are rendered temporarily as piercing-type and allows attacks damage enemies in the line of fire between her and main target. Consumes x1 Oversized Bolt, can be bought from Job NPC.
Maximum level: 1
Type: Buff

Scorpio [sp]: Ballistra deploys sentry “Scorpio”, en-roots itself and switch its attacks to sentry mode. Normal attacks while on scorpio are rendered piercing and increased ranged per level.
(Attacks are limited to 3-4 attacks in a clip with long cooldown)

Can be upgraded via Job NPC quest. Upgrades increases limited attacks by 2.
Maximum upgrade/level: 3

  • Tips: Using Scorpio while Penetrating Bolts is active, boosts Scorpio’s damage by 50%.
  • While active, movement hindering debuffs will take no effect.(e.g. slow, root, etc.)
  • Recast skill to un-root/cancel.

Quick Reload [sp+]: Instantly recovers Ballistra skills on cooldown to 0. Has 120 seconds cooldown for reuse.
Maximum level: 1

Carroballista [sp/companion]: Ballistra attaches “Cart-mounted ballista” at her companion’s back, and allows option for mount. The mounted ballista depends on the level/upgrade of Scorpio. While mounted, Ballistra can move along with its companion and able to attack using the scorpio’s feature. (a.k.a. Scorpio in mobile mode.)
Can be upgraded via Job NPC quest.
Maximum upgrade/level: 5

  • Tips: Ballistra able to swap weapons while mounted, best way to do when scorpio is on reload/cooldown. otherwise, will attack without scorpio’s feature.
  • Companion’s and cart’s appearance changes varies upon upgrade via Job NPC quest.

Polybolos [sp+/ siege materials]: Constructs a repeating ballista “Polybolos” - in expense of required siege materials needed. Constructing channels up to 5 seconds for completion. Works as an upgraded Scorpio yet has 12 limited attacks and faster reload/cooldown per level. Recast again to cancel/deconstruct.
Maximum level: 3

  • Tips: Polybolos can be reconstruct again without requiring another materials as long as Ballistra stays in the same map.
  • Siege materials needed are to be collected from monsters or bought from Job NPC. (e.g. wood, rope, metal (?))
  • Note: I was thinking if this skill could take for Second Cycle instead (?).

Pile Driver [sp+/Oversized Bolt x5 ea]: Ballistra loads up an enormous bolt and fires forward that deals great amount of damage on targeted enemies. Enemies hit are knocked back in a pile and disabled/stunned for a brief period of time.
Maximum level: 5

Skill Attributes

Second Cycle

I think this is for now, I will update soon I had my thoughts for Second Cycle. Yet, there were assumptions that Hidden Class only got ‘One Cycle’ (?)

Hope that my suggestion be to your liking, and thank you for reading my ideas. Please feel free to correct me if something’s wrong about my post.

Will try to work also on visual appearance, especially for the cart’s upgrades, or if you had some in mind please feel free to share. :slight_smile:

Thank you, and have fun! Saviors!


Edit: Changed the image with proper ballista, (shown blinking) and there’s the cart at level 1 (unmounted).

  • Character mounts behind the ballista in the cart.
  • If possible, companion can be a mule.


  • Concepts of different scorpio sentry.


  • Concepts for polybolos.

Fel.Klause for his template as reference.

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