Tree of Savior Forum

:hi: Please help me choose between Alchemist 3 x Chronomancer 3

Alch3 can be useful to save a little bit of money on pots and make some selling magnum opus itens, potions, awekening as well. On the other hand, Chrono 3 can be used everywhere: Earth Tower, Challenge mode, New Raid, etc.

Which one you think work best on today scenario? Thanks in advance!

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Everyone should get a chrono c3 to be honest. Its just too good to “pass” if you know what i mean.

In terms of raw “which is more useful”, Chrono hands down.

Chrono supports the party with movespeed buffs, attack speed buffs and heck a CD reduction skill. It’s really great for party play.

Alchemist on the other hand, plays a more “passive” role, by giving potions and weapon enhancements (it’s eh) through Briquetting and Item Awakening.

An alchemist wouldn’t be able to support a party as well as Chrono, cos you can’t like craft potions mid earth tower ya know? I’d say it’s more of a passive character, crafting potions and having fun with magnum opus puzzles. Don’t expect it to rake in millions of silver too, it’s more of a side income.

However, I’m not indicating Alchemist is bad, in fact I really love the class lol. But in terms of party support utility etc., Chrono takes the cake.

I love alchemists too! That’s why its so hard to changeee haha. Actually, I made a few millions with magnum opus hahah. But I think I will pick chrono because of the utility… Thanks for answering

This world needs more Alchemists and their Gem Roasting.

Though, it really depends on how you want to use it. If you just want to earn money in a more passive way, go with Alchemist.