I want to play solo with this class. I heard that it’s good but i actually don’t know anything about the build. Can someone guide me? What build should i have? what stat should i up? (Str, Dex, or SPR). Thank you so much
Cleric is solo-friendly because you have Heal.
What type of cleric do you wish to make? Support? Physical? Magical?
Make sure to check this thread:
Here is my 2cents :
Plague doctor - have incredible healing buff, crowd control, and BURN flame thrower. But no 2 PD can dps at same time
Diev Druid - incredible STATUTORY mobs dps, can temporary invincible on a patch of grass, alot of statues buff and owl ROCKS
Bokar - once you curse someone, they can’t escape but to die in your hands WITH a cost of high sp usage. You can also choose to have zombie army or not
Chaplain - your everyday bot-like class. A lot of buff to support auto attacking
Pardoner - you just love silver more than anything till a level of selling buff on a shop that will still remain even you offline
Krivis Paladin - high recovery buff, lightning strike with hit limit, elemental resist, barrier utility and if you like spam hammerin… i mean Smite
i am no cleric master but that is all i know of
if u want to play solo there are 2 possible builds, or u go inquisitor (physical) or u go plague doctor (magic)
for the first one u need
cleric2>priest1>paladin3>plague doctor 1>inquisitor
with high DEX and a bit of CON
if u want to go full PD u can go
this one u go high INT and a bit of CON
these are the builds id go for, u can find others that u enjoy more…
u can go cleric2>diev3>druid3 too, with high int and a bit of con, and it works great
Actually do people realize both sacra and chap last rites actually buff all your dmg and not just auto attacks? Only the double hit is auto attack. Hahaha
Physical ><" I love to solo ^^
for a Physical atk, Should i go for Str or Dex?
how about Monk or Chaplain? any good to have?
Use this to look at different paths: http://www.tosbase.com/tools/skill-simulator/
You could either go Paladin, or Monk.
Then become Inquisitor at rank 8.
Cleric2 offers you all the heals you need (each level of Heal skill = +1 heal tile on the floor).
Rank 2 -> Rank 3 -> Paladin 1 2 3 -> Rank 7 -> Inquisitor.
Rank 2 -> Rank 3 -> Rank 4 -> Monk 1 2 3 -> Inquisitor.
Or any other combination.
Cleric 1 -> Cleric2 …
-> Priest1 (for Monstrance lvl1, to increase your dex by 30%, and +10dex too), you will get resurrection to bring back dead party members.
Priest 1 + 2 = Revive, and Mass Heal, more support.
Diev 1/2 for aura support, and physical Carve attack.
Dex (crit) is good with High damage skills.
STR is always OK, but better on low-dmg skills and multi-hit skills.
For example:
Attack of 9000 and crit => +50% damage, so 9000 + 4500 damage.
Attack of 9000 with 500 Strenght => 9000 + 500 damage.
Thank you so much… maybe i have to read more and more before i start making it.
Opening with Cleric2 -> priest1 is always safe.
You could decide later if you like a paladin (rank4) or monk (rank5).
30 CON ~ 50 CON so you don’t die.
You may mix STR & DEX, or go pure str/ pure dex.
at least heal level 10
Divine might 5
Cure 1 to remove status effect.
Safety zone at least level 1 + maxed count attribute (you may buy this at your cleric master NPC).
Fade level 1 as utility. You may gather flowers/etc. for quests during invisibility.
Monstrance lvl 1 (buff level 1 is similar to buff lvl 5, so no need to increase. And increased monstrance level = longer animation time).
Resurrection at least level 2.
Blessing 5.
If you wish to become chaplain, you will become a z-attacker (only using z-attack, no offensive skills). Doesn’t rely on attack-skills but self-buff skills. Don’t know if you would enjoy this.
If you want chaplain, you need priest 3 ranks.
Alternatively, you may go cleric2 -> dievdirby1 too, if you like statue & aura support instead of resurrection & DEX buff (priest).
What is z-attacker ???
Means your normal attack, swinging your weapon.
If you are mouse-user, it will be Left mouse button.
Do you have any link or some video about this class?
Hi, this is an older thread about chaplain:
Older video of chaplain, vs mobs:
Your auto-attack will be enhanced when you are chaplain. You won’t do anything else, just activate buffs -> press auto-attack.
So, this build bases on Stat, right?
If you like to go Chaplain, you will need:
-Priest 1
-Priest 2
-Priest 3
-Complete Chaplain quest
-Cafrisun set (recommended - drops from the boss at map: Srautas Gorge - at the location Nepavy Grasslands, press M to check)
-CON/SPR stat build (or CON/INT if you wish to go magical after chaplain)
Maybe not… I love STR or Dex build better.
Chaplain takes a huge dive in dps after 200+
If u wanna go for STR/DEX build i would consider a monk or paladin build ending in inquisitor.
Totally depends on what you want more, beeing able to be support in group or more of a single player build
I took the third and 4th choice with a pala, you have to go dex heavy, i have around 70 points in Con rest STR/DEX 1:2
Its a SPR heavy build so you need a lot of Sp Pots but the dps output is nice
For STR and DEX only you has only one R8 class: Inquisitor, but the way to maybe via Paladin (STR), Monk (DEX) and Chaplain (Whatever).
- Spanning Smite with some buffs and support skills. Shines at Rank 3 with barrier.
- I don’t know to much about, but i see more critical monk build, then go DEX
- Auto attack class, supports high DEX or high STR, but i think auto attack classes (like Quarrel Shooters) very weak in 2xx levels (with 100k HP and high damage mobs).
In think Cleric is not an excellent class for physical damage. The best DPS from this class tree are magic.