Tree of Savior Forum

Help with velcoff tier geraring and what chose

I’m ready to buy all my gear with escenes and i need to make some balance on my set.

my plan:
get 3 pieces of armor and 1 mace and the shield i have a solmik gloves +18 so i wll keep this for the Mdeff bonus

my problem is. what armor should I need to buy ? focus on a balance deff and get 3 plate ? or go full Mdeff and get 3 clot armors

or maybe exange mi solmiki to leather, get the bonus of damage ( if its work on magics) and use leather velcoff set.

also what set effect its better. i was thought on the Mdef reduction but i dont know if its uselfull for tath 15% deff reduction



He’s talking about the set effect skill for magic users which reduces magic defense with a debuff.

What set is good depends largely on your build and what content you play.

If you are a dps wizard, then you’ll probably want Sumazinti set for the perma magic attack boost. The skill cds are rather long so unless you really want one of the other skills I think Sumazinti is good.

And plate or cloth will work fine. Plate is better for velcoffer, but cloth might be better for r10 content idk.

Ohh true, forgot about that…

If you keep your gloves and they are cloth, I’d say keep cloth for the extra 10% magic damage reduction.

but on redit said that debuff only reduce 15% of Mdeff for that amount of damage maybe its better the “tinkersline” or some like that, the thebuff who increwase your damage to 1.5 and aply a bonus damage at the end.

i only have internet references about those debuffs because everyone have pick krajuas

Sumazinti set will apply a -15% magic debuff on 5 enemies for 15 seconds.

Tiksline set will apply a debuff on only 3 enemies, increase damage to 1.5x and apply a bonus hit based on the damage you dealt in the 5 sec duration of the debuff. It also deals the bonus damage as only a single hit and will cap at 777,777 damage (will be 999,999 in future patch). Unsure if it affects summon damage or whether party members also benefit.

Honestly, Tiksline set is very underwhelming and both Sumazinti and kraujas are better in my opinion. Sumazinti’s effect is way longer and is good on enemies with high m.def (endgame content) and will provide you with a permanent boost to magic damage. It is also worth noting that since it is a debuff reducing magic damage, it is probably strong for parties with many magic DPSers as well as magic-damage summons.

Kraujas is also strong, although you will not get the boost to m.dmg, SPR, or INT. The full buff is +100% damage for 20 second duration, but you receive more damage.

If you have a build that is reliant on bursting, Kraujas or Tiksline will be better, but Kraujas is pretty much a better version of Tiksline (at least for most builds).

If you do not like having burst that relies on 100 second cooldown, then it will be better to use Sumazinti for the +600 m.atk.

I’m not very sure I still do not convince for anyone

Sumazinti looks nice for these days, 15% less of mdeff on velcoff give me almost twice of damage and maybe for pvp/gvg its even more than twice but with a linker/RC on your party these debuff its barely useless on pve
In summary too pvp

krajuas its more op burst set even against high deff enemies its gives a lot of damage but its more usefull with AA/multi hit builds who allows you to stack the buff faster and also increase the incoming damage on 200% thats twice the buff that you get ( i’m not sure but this mean that your enemy deal 300% of damage ?) so in pvp its very dangerous to you.
In summary too pve

tiksline its the most balanced of the three dps kind sets but its depend somuch on the kind of build that you use. also the AoE bonus its nice for some CC and AoE skills or some AA builds
maybe its the best choise for me beause my main its a ele3 ff3. and maybe i could make some mergen 3 or musket3 to use these set to thinking on the nerf of the AA builds like BM on the last patch

whatever i think that everyone will be disapointed when the r10 comes and they should try to trade their sets i hope to the staff implements a kind of system to change your sets effects like the solmik. ’
if there is no one at this time

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It seems you have a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each set, so I wonder why you ask the question in the first place.

The main downside to Tilksine that I see is the 5 second short duration and max damage cap. It really depends on timing of your skills to get the maximum effect within the short duration of the debuff.

I hope to reach more information from those who already have one of these sets, like I said I have only seen Krajuas on my server one of my doubts its if the tiksline/sumazinti its a debuff and can be extended by pardoner skills or krajuas buff can be extended by metis

Perhaps if you post in cleric or general discussion, more people will be able to answer that question. Debuffs are a lot harder to apply in PvP than buffs though, so if you are looking for something good in both PvP and PvE, I recommend Kraujas for sure.

Gyvenimas is good for PvP focused character…

You can change your set effects though.

but not the kind of armor ? and also its need 1 paris escence to change to another random set?

howmuch money some one have to invest to make 1 full set ? over 10 escenses i guess…

Yeah it’s dumb that it’s random chance.

Why do you need to change the kind of armor? The set effects for full of a type of armor set aren’t that significant.

i dont know but if i get 18000 Mdeff with full solmik cloth every almos +11 the 10 % its like 1 extra pieces of armor

and by the same way when i change my solmik set to velcoff I will change my clot set to leather for my others chars. and the leather bonus its very usefill espesially the 50 accuracy