Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Thauma build

So, I’m planning on doing a check on Thaumaturge, but don’t want to go for the standard builds out there.
The path I want to try is wiz 3 - thauma 3 - RC - WL.
Want a build that can enhance overall DPS of a party, while doing some damage itself.
I mainly do pve and don’t plan doing things like ET (have an elememe for that).
I have some questions regarding Thauma skills.

  1. Do swell buffs scale with int AND spr? Tooltip doesn’t specify that tho. Which one is better for that purpose?
  2. How does Shrink body feels? Does it have an good AoE? Can enemies resist it? Does the left arm attribute adds 120% of your attack to every hit, or multiply it to get 220% overall damage?
    3)Reversi + PoA interaction is dead. Is it worth getting for another purpose? (I don’t PvP)
    4)Is Transpose really bad? Better going full int or full con, then? Everytime you reuse this skill, all your extra hp will be gone even if you do it before buff goes off? I wanted to try transpose+rune of giants. Can giants cast this skill?
    5)Is it too dependant on daino scrolls? Cause there are a lot of buffs…
    Also, giants jump damage is based on what?

Thank you for your feedback and help!

Here is the build I’ve come with so far:

1-Swell buff scale with spr and int both the same scalling (Except you get more damage yourself going int + transpose use)
Swell brain is an exception and the bonus Matk (Not int) scale with spr only.

2- Shrink body aoe is small in front of you, maximum target is said in the tooltip (It target not aoe ratio soo it a fix max/min target number) More lv = more target/duration
2.2 The +120% is a multiply of your damage whoever attack a shrinked mob with left arm buff will do 220% of is damage to it. (Yes it quite strong, but the small aoe make it not overwhelming strong.)

3- 1 Point in reversi isn’t bad, it a good spell and only 1 point for it is worth it even whiteout a combo.

4- On recast you do loose the extra healt you might had before. (It don’t refresh the duration… it recast the spell)
4.4-You can transpose before giant (Giant does give an extra healt base on your curent healt + attribut 60x your cons)
Once your transpose end, giant bonus hp you had from transpose is still keep. And because of the attribute it quite a bit.
4.4.4- Giant can only cast Wiz1-3(As the first class not the whole mage class) and Runecaster spell.

5- By yourself ? Not that much limit dainos lv 1 aren’t that expensif and are enough for you. Otherwise… Yes.
5.5 Giant jump attack is exactly the same as doing a basic attack but in aoe around your landing spot. (Yes is proc all additional damage line.) Since you are a mage, Giant is based on your Matk.

For your build.
Warlock isn’t really good at rank1
Warlock 2 got an attribute on masterma that make it devastating (A dot of 33% x 24 of the initial 100% over 20sec)

Be sure to know that Quickcast doesn,t increase the damage of spell/basic attack anymore, some people still think it does soo just putting the warning here.

You won’t be able to cast buff in giant but soon the duration of most buff will pass to 300sec. Enoug for a full duration giant.
You will still be unable to shrink body or reversi in giant form as they are neither Wiz or RC spell
Also be sure to take lethargy at least 1 time for the attribute.
Or earthquake 1 lv just for the cc (it also pass to 3 overheat)

I have done a giant build myself, I kinda like it but both this build or your won’t reach some overgear character dps.
This build is more focus on buffing and using giant jump attack than runecaster spell.

Thanks :smiley:

I am aware of WL1 not being this good. But since wiz3 for RC and thauma 3 was already decided, it is the best I can do with 1 rank. Also, mastema debuff can enhance rune of justice damage, so there is some sinergy left to pick. And when we reach rank 9 (end of this year, maybe?), I can go for WL2 just for mastema attribute, so I think it’s fine to wait until there.

Hope some day IMC will get this game balance right. Having to go either cryo3kino3 or elememe for high dps is frustrating. Meta builds are kinda lame xD

I will take your build in consideration too. Thank you so much!

If that so i would suggest wiz1cryo3thaum3rc1,
if you hv high matk enough, let a kino/dopple/monk to shave your ice would be very powerful.

Else frost pillar + iceblast also good to kill things.

Well summoner build (spr) is viable now probably a good dps too (Sorc1-2 + Necro2-3)
I can’t saw how well it does compare to eleme. But i’m happy with my low lv one.

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It a fun build :slight_smile: ( I actually have this one )
But then it more based on cryo burst than runecaster itself. Putting runecaster in it don’t make it a runecaster build or a giant build. But it not a bad one either.

Runecaster without Surespell is an absolute horror.
I don’t understand why people still want to build something without at least Wiz2.

btw, I’m playing a similar build but with Enchanter as Rank 8.
Swell and Shrink Body can be resisted by enemies (it’s rare but it happens).
Also their AoE is pretty bad.

About damage option, I personally think that Linker would actually be a better option than Warlock, because with Linker you can make use of Hangmans Knot to get the enemies close enough to affect all of them with Shrink Body. You’ll also get additional damage on your Earth Quake on linked enmies via the attribute, making Earthquake a good skills to invest points into.

About Thauma:

I personally love Transpose, because I am able to go full CON to recieve a huge bonus on blockrate and potion recovery rate.
While INT sure is more handy first,the effect gets pretty redundant later on, so having a good amount of CON is the better overall solution,especially if it’s not your main character.
You just need level 2 Transpose to keep the effect up all the time, so you can decide when to Transpose (e.g. before you buff Swell Arm&Brain) and cancel the buff afterwards or not.

That’s also the reason why SPR is the least viable option for a non-summoner Thauma build, because INT and CON can work wonders with Transpose,while you get nothing out of stacking SPR.

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Indeed RC without Surespell is horrible if you intend to focus on those casting skills, but the core of the build is Rune Of Ice + High Matk + Ice Shooting. It isn’t a good solo class, but in a Team the effect is tremendous.

As the OP said want a build that can enhance overall DPS of a party, while doing some damage itself. This build is good enough to feed that, even if you use dagger to hit icewall with +Attack Ratio Gear, you still can hit 5 walls at once the wall can last 25s. If you have dopple cyclone the icewall it will be best burst in the game.

The build itself potentially reach 10k+ Matk with less efforts, with ROI each shard can up to 30k which is very fun and deadly.

I like Shrink Body, the AOE is not as horrible but perhaps mine is lv12 so need to test a bit. FrostPillar+ShrinkBody is a good combo, I use it alot in Solmiki critical situation and DPS check floor and it is very helpful.

Hmm. Getting linker for JP in solo play seems fine, but my major goal is to support a party and JP after nerf isn’t very good in it. Only purpose would be Hangman’s knot to group mobs and shrink then as you said. But usually, you can have other party members to do it for you (mainly cryo-chronos).

For level 15 Icewall:

Sadhu C3s level 11 Possession has a higher burst capability than Doppel Cyclone because it can actually hit all walls at once, dealing devastating 115605% (with the help of Tansmit Prana&Divine Might) per 20 seconds. Meanwhile, Doppels Cyclone level 15 only hits for 104085% per overheat (i.e 208170% every 50,5 seconds[45 seconds CD + 5,5 seconds lasting time till first overheat is over]).

Clever Doppelsoeldners don’t have Cyclone at level 15 because it cuts their overall damage quite a lot (they won’t be able to skill up the better damage skills like Zornhau and Deeds of Valor if they waste their points on Cyclone), so Sadhu generally wins over Doppel in bursting on icewall.

Are you sure that there would be a 2nd slot open for another Wizard?
Generally I’d think that the average party will either use Thauma or Chrono, based on the contents of the party (Rank 9 will enable Linker1>Chrono3>Thauma3,though). Best is not to waste many party slots on supporter mages because their overall damage capabilities are bad.

In general it’s better overall to have more Clerics, but maybe we’ll see 3 Clerics 2 Wizards as a usual party setup soon.

Does possession even proc icewall ? (Only pp,melee hit and physical melee spell proc it as far as I know)
Also you know that icewall is based on the CASTER Matk and not the guy who proc it.
soo 15x3(shard)x100%(Matk) = 4,5k% each proc (if all wall get proc and all shard land.)
rune of ice 4,5k% x 2,5 = 11,25k %

Also Linker 1 might be quite bad unless you have a party made for it… The link break up WAAAY WAAAY too fast now.
You just need someone auto attacking with like sacrement/champlain/enchant fire etc to instantly break it on the moment it got cast.
I saw some special team video with 2 linker3/chrono3 with 2 dopple as dps doing solomik, But it was heavily focus on those 2 linker as they had no small dot or small multiple hit in their team as it often happen in random premade and even with 15 charge the link go down fast.

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that build is outdated

better go pyro2thauma3warlock2

u don’t need quick cast for thsi build make pyro2 better than wiz3

and warlock should be c2 at rank8

IF you’re going WL go WL2

As far as not seeing the INT and SPR scaling, use not tosbase.