Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Skill Build for Sage


I’m a new player and i wanted to create a Sage. The build i want is Wizard --> Cryomancer 3 --> Chronomancer 3 --> Sage. The stat i pick is Full CON.

I searched from some build to follow but all are different and i’m lost.
I was following Valkoria Sage build:
Then i saw today someone sharing on reddit another build:

which is quite different in skills: ice blast only lvl 5, Slow, stop and backmasking are different too.

I search for another one to decide what to follow and found this one when ordered by rating.
And he has different skills again. 0 ice blast, different sage skills lvl,…

Could someone help me decide which one is best to follow?
Im afraid i will make a bad choice of skills and need reset T.T
I tried reading skill tooltips and decide for myself but its too much new things and im getting overwhelmed. Hope someone can help me.

Thanks for reading. English isn’t my first language. I’m sorry for my grammar mistakes.

In those two builds, all the most important skills are the same. Frost Pillar, Quicken, Pass, Haste, Missile Hole should always be maxed. Portal should always only be 1. The rest, some people will prefer it one way, some another(I like sub-zero shield on my ccsage rather than those damage skills, but others might have just as good reasons to like something else.)
If you have those ones I mentioned, you will be able to do what is expected of you when you join a party. The rest is more up to your preference, or if you have friends you party with that have certain synergies. If you find you don’t like or never use some of the skills you pick and there are others you think might be better for you, as long as the core skills are fine you can just wait to get a skill reset from an event, they’re turning up every couple months lately.

Thanks kiraeh! I didnt know those were the core skills.
Thank you so much, i will figure the others on my own then ^-^/ and so glad to hear about skill reset.