Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Neverbovine

I just started playing this game a few days ago, and I’m a bit lost. I’m level 104 and I’m about to get c1 sorc, how do I get the Netherbovine monster card? I’ve heard he’s pretty strong and fits my needs. Help appreciated, thanks.

Check the market, green cards do not cost as much and it’s usually not worth the effort to hunt one yourself.

If you still insist, you can get it from green card album or seven valley mission.

Sorry, this is probably a dumb question, but what exactly do you mean by the market? Thanks for the quick reply.

There’s a market NPC in towns. check your map for info.

Around right side for klaipeda.

I tried to purchase Netherbovine from the market for 500k, but it said the function isn’t available. Do you know what that could be about?

Hmm new accounts aren’t allowed to use the market yet.

I think it’s a one or two week wait. You could use weaker summons for now I suppose?

You could get necroventer at 120 dungeon until you get to buy yourself a bovine.

even the forum has newby restrictions…

  • restrictions
  • expirations

:open_mouth: OMGoddess I think the Sorcerer Master is in charge of this game :scream:

it explains everything including… O_o Sorcerer Master = Sorcerer and Master = S&M confirmed

Ah, I get it now. I just started this profile today. I’ll check on up on the market some other time. Until then, I’ll grind for 120!

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What server do you play? I know that feeling of need for a nice card to be summoned. I have a few green books and wouldn’t mind summoning them. Necroventer and Shadowgaler are not bad tho. Harpea is nice too.

PERFECT TIMING! I was just about to ask how to get card albums. Me and one friend of mine are both around level 120 and would totally love some cards as we are both planninggn on getting sorc3. We play on the North American server. My IGN is UltraHecc.

Oh, too bad, i play in the SA server. Well, you can get album cards in Hunting Grounds. All of them drop it. Careful though. The bosses are a bit strong. There is no harm in collecting a few and asking for help with stronger people. As people in group will receive the same chances. The more books you have, the more appeling for them.

I believe red, blue are the cards people search more. followed by green and then purple.

Damn that’s too bad, thanks for the offer though. Do you think me and a friend can do it if we are both level 150? Or should we still seek help from some others?