Tree of Savior Forum

Help with my sorc/shadowmancer build

Hi, I’m back to ToS and I’m a bit lost with the changes and the new classes, I started out a new character and I want some input about my build Idea.
The Build Here
Sorcerer was always my favorite class so It’s the star of the build, wizard c2 and ff c1 are filler, and shadowmancer and linker just seen to be good with sorcerer (also, they go well with the full dark mage theme and I like the role playiing). My questions are:

  1. Should I go full spr or spr/int?
  2. Any adivice about where to put my skill points or It’s ok like this?
  3. Wiz c2 and FF are of any use in this build?
  4. I heard Marnox and netherbovine are the new Temple Shooter, but what are some other good and cheap cards I could use?

1.- always full spr with a summoner build ans SM is so sp hungry
2.- i know your star is sorcerer but atm is better switch to w2-link3-sorc1-ff1-SM2
3.-of course ff has 2 curses debuffs that mean 50% extra dark dmg, also with surespell you can heal yourself with bloodsucking
4.- there is more usefull summons like gorkas, Froster lord, etc


Hi o/ thanks for the reply, it’s good to know this build will work well. But, why link c3 is so important for this build for me to give up riding and summoning lvl10? I rather keep sorc c2 if possible.

i personally don’t think you need linker at all in this build. i have wiz3-thaum1 and it works perfectly fine. more so with C3 lethargy attribute increases gorkas/necroventer/marnox damage by whooping 50%, and thaum 1 swell arm attribute increases summon damage by another 10%

SM has a burst style with low cd and 3-4 OH, so you ll be spaming, if you always ride you ll lose dmg. And yes linker is not scencial in the build, but if you want get link2 is better go link3 for lifeline partyplay and spirit shock attribute well a bit sup always nice for teamplay RAID etc
As @aki.mamoru.chan said you can try another fillers if your goal is sorc-SM pick that classes that will get bonuses or increases factor being a full spr build.

My build exactly. It is awesome good and fun to play with little to no investment :slight_smile:

Edit: Full SPR = i never run out of mana + spirit shock is super strong against anything really. You can drop FF to get Sorc 2 tho… but you gotta have some HP potions to cover your ass.

I realy dislike thaum so I think I will be sticking with this build. Thanks for all the input guys :wink: