Tree of Savior Forum

Help with my Cannoneer build

also, aren’t Wugus are STR-based classes. wouldn’t it be difficult to pair it with Cannoneers who’s supposed to be needing high DEX for it to crit properly?

currently I play ar2ra1sc1ro1fal1cannon2 (reclass from ar3sap2fal1cannon2)

I think the build is fine with current patch, have some burst skills. the build is fine in 280-310 (I can skill some stuff by myself, but I haven’t try those 320+map after done practonium or 315dun quest.)

current problem is equipment, now many people suspect that dmg from cannon sub weapon doesn’t increase dmg of cannon skills.(this make me hestiate too make 315 cannon too that’s why I make 315mace and shield instead)

recent cannonneer buff is nice for bazooka, some people use AAR bazooka stance and drop falcon too,(the mention about range increase while on the stance is interesting too) but for mobile cannoneer like this build all we got is cannon modify% buff and 2overheat cannonblast.

additional note some cannoneer go with class that deal dmg to ground dmg(eg sap,wugu) and use 50% buff from bazooka stance too

Somehow, that’s what I’ve gathered so far, checking threads/queries similar to mine…

Cannon sub-weapon, regardless of upgrade or trans, seems to be not contributing to Cannoneer damage. Correct me if I’m wrong with this.

The only problem I’m seeing with deployment skills like Wugus or Sappers is that you tend to be stuck in that location where your deployed skills are (had similar experience with Scout’s Flare Shot, though the damage is Nice, if the monster runs away, the skill is wasted.)

Frontler, what level are you now, and would you share what equips and gems you are usisng atm. Thanks

You still have the issue of limited targets without falcon.

Cannon damages only Affects Cannoner skills. It must also be on your AUTO SWAP PALLET.

Or it will just use your default off hand physical damage without Cannon equiped.

Wugu isn’t stuck with deployment.

Wugu is DOT targets.

Sapper aren’t

Cannoner itself with the bazooka update is asking for being a immobile aoe clearing character. Basically it will be a stand alone toon just like musketeer

Which is not affected as much by what you take in front as long as you have A2

these two thread that make me suspect
After gem buff patch I don’t use auto swap anymore, I alway use gemmed isability with cannon and leave my maga bow in dust so the auto swap shouldn’t be problem.
currently I have +6 tran1 critticannon with lv5red gem and compare to unupgrade practice cannon the dmg increase isn’t much (the red gem make it more difficult to calculate =_=)

I havn’t done test to confirm these thing much, these day most of my time use up just to get in dungeon for all my char in sv teleisia T__T.

back at topic
this video make me think bazooka might be working with other deployment dmg skill too.

It does, but barely. Damage differences in weapons aren’t very noticeable due to Cannoneer’s high base damage and single-hit / low multiplier

To maximise Cannoneer’s damage, you’d want to get on the Bazooka stance. Bazooka disables movement and all non-Cannoneer skills + Smoke Grenade. So IMO, you’ll want your lower ranks to have things that stick - like deployments and buffs.

I went with Hunter 1 > Sapper 2. Surprisingly enjoyed Hunter and regretted Sapper.

Your crit cannon will always deal more damage then unupgraded practice.

The difference is quite obvious esp when your attributes are high.

The reason why the damage doesn’t show as much now is due to the fact.

The Base and range of damage is huge. for example Crit vs practice cannon in this case.

Crit base = 226~ 420 where as practice cannon = 185 ~344.

Compare this two verus 1k ~1.4k you will notice the huge difference.

I still like A2>R1>Wugu2>Falc1>Cannoneer2 for PVE.

i prefer sapper 3 though. Combination with miko is retarded a broom trap that ticks 30k per hit…

So regardless if I’d go High/Full Dex to hit decent Crit, it’s still ok to go Wugu?
Specially that you need High STR for Wugu’s DoT. Any way to compensate this if you’d not go STR? Like Red Gems?

I’m leaning towards going Wugu cause I’ve never played this class before, it’ll be a new experience all together. But after seeing what Rank8 maps are, I think having 1 Rank of Scout is the safest… if you’d think of going solo at times just to quest.

Wugu scale to your main hand weapon as well. There are players hitting 3 dots at 11k each with 0 invested str.

Just wait for the total patch in. As of now wugu is still weak, currently in itos

Scout is not pick for safe. Scout is pick for other purpose now. because you can just stroll pass the content when u hit 2.2k pdef and mdef. You must be really out of date

Cannoners without falcon are still weak even with bazooka AAR buff.

Yeah, sorry, Wugus arent Deployment, they are DoTs, sorry :slight_smile:

They said Wugus are getting buffed aswell… that’d be nice then :slight_smile:

I was following your Musketeer guide unicorntheshiny, thanks for that awesome guide.

So if I’d go Wugu, it’d be Archer2>Ranger>Wugu2>Falc>Cannon2. and getting Falc is a must, right?

Yes. Unless you want to find a linker slave. independent wise. It’s better to have falconer so you can enlarge to hit every targets (20) in that area.

how viable is it at Rank 8 maps? specially for mobs that hit like a truck :smiley:

Mobs hit like ant bites now.

this was a month back.

How much Pdef/Mdef/Evasion you’ve got?

Just socket yellow gems into your armor and you are golden.

2.2k 2.2k 1.1k

like i say normal maps are a breeze.

You should be more concern about it only when you go into solmiki.

Yes. Lolopanther Arena is a joke.

Plate, with Yellow Gems in your Upper and Lower? then Wind Runner with 3* Lv6 Blue Gems? also 8* Lv10 Nuela?