Tree of Savior Forum

Help with my build choice please!


its whorth it subzero shield 10 ?

linker doesnt synergize with ice wall, get kino2
then hey might as well get rune caster for isa rank 7
then voila u get a cookie cutter build super high burst dps

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sees better ?

I was trying to follow this video (, seemed very strong in pvp, but Featherfoot is for pve?

yes i saw this. featherfoot is pve, and needs linker (you should see the blood)
for pvp go warlock
also rune caster for pve, higher pp ice dmg still a choice

Subzero Shield is one of the best defensive skills in the game and it should be lvl 10 to exploit its full potential.

Your class choices are pretty decent but I would change the order for classes. For instance I would go Wiz>Cryo>Psych/Linker>etc. Your choice of skills need to be worked on though.

i would just suggest max ice wall ,- ice pike, everything else isnt much of a big deal

Thank you for the answer, but ice spike isn’t my main damage skill ?

no ice wall + psychic pressure is. ice spike is just for freeze cc

What about now ? looks pretty better for me

You’ll want more points in Ice Bolt as increasing its level actually decreases the minimum charging time and subsequently the chance to be interrupted when fighting multiple enemies. Take it out of ice wall, you’ll be thankful later when you have to squeeze out enough dps to hit warlock (much better choice imo than taking rune caster unless imc really shows it some more love).

Linker works alright with Ice Bolt and Ice Pike. Not entirely necessary since you could just party one instead. Your second build is actually pretty viable if you wanted to go that route, just saying. Increase minimum aoe of all skills to 5/6 or gain a stun attribute and increased damage for two skills. Up to you.

Are you sure ? More points in Ice Bolt decreases the minimum charging time ? its not 1,5 for all lvl ?

Now I’m not so sure… I played cryo/linker/ele so I could be confusing it with Freezing Sphere :sunglasses: someone else should confirm.

Yes, it is.
For example with lv5 ice bolt you only need 0.3s for lv1 charge, 0.6s for lv2 and so on. You can see the number popup on character’s head.


All level has the same cast time. So when you level it up, the minimum cast time is lower