Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Elementalist 3 build

Hello people!, well i’m currently class level 14 in rank4 (yay almost rank 5) and I want if you people could help me continue my build (or modify it after using skill reset potion).

I’m planning on a Wizard > Pyro > Psychokino > Ele 3 > Warlock build.

which goes this way:

So i can’t decide if after skill reset :

Wizard: Leaving Earthquake at 1 Point, and 4 points to sleep.

Pyro: 5 points to enchant fire and leave flare/firewall unleveled

Psychokino: I’m really fine with it, although TP is kinda “meh” (except for the untargetting) atm.

Elementalist1>3: so i don’t know if i should only put 1 point to freezing sphere, and put 4 to electrocute, making these two spells 9 to ele and 1 to Fsphere. or leaving at 8 to electrocute, 1 to FSphere and maxing Hail (8 to electrocute, because max hit mobs does not changes from 8 to 9).

Warlock: I have no idea :stuck_out_tongue: just guessing.

Thank you very much in advance! :smiley:



I dont know how pyro pscho ele will interact with each other though

You would probably want 14 on eletrocute, max hail. if you want fsphere, 1point should be enuf as a filler on cooldown and on pvp (not sure if it freezes)

Thank you!,

I’m more of a PVE guy, so not looking forward a PVP :stuck_out_tongue: , mmmm how about this for Ele 3 (do not worry too much of previous like pyro/psycho/wiz)

what do you think :open_mouth: ?

personally left out prominence and freezing sphere.
Dont really see a use for them late game, even if its just 1 point.
For warlock put 5 points into invocation instead of mastema. Invocation is good for the 30% attribute buff while mastema is useless (low dmg, low aoe, doesnt hit air, 1s animation time).

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i would suggest getting out prominence and 1 meteor to level electrocute to 14.

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For wiz, you leave only one point on energy bolt and earthquake since you won’t be using those skills once you get higher levels. I would rather go with pyro2 than pyro>psycho so you can use the class attribute with fire skills. You also should never have flare since it’s not very good. Mastema also shouldn’t have any points.

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Base lvl1 dmg is good - it just scales poorly from lvl to lvl and they are good fillers. Personally i would take 2 points of the meteor and add them to electrocute. Charging full Meteor lvl 10 takes long time especially without Quick Cast - I doubt that you will use it a lot (if any - without surespell you’ll get interrupted very often - your only chance is combo sleep->meteor). Besides Meteor main role isnt to inflict dmg - thats the frost cloud role - its making Overkills for bonus rewards and for burst dmg to not let enemy to heal himself.

AbsentNight - you r right pyro2 is nice for explosion attribute when combining with high lvl meteor and prominence, but he is past that point now (rank4 as he stated), so unless he’d like to reroll, nothing else to do now xp

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but, i can’t use like the other remaing “8 points” in other circles or is it? im not W2 or W3 , and AFAIK, it only works with same “class” circles,

yep, i was like "maybe pyro 2 is cool (because of fire pillar) but i went psychokino to test the PP+FB skill looked so fun.

I try to understand the other skill mentioned above uhhh “Invocation” but i can’t understand it very well sounds like “if you kill while active this skill, there’s a left over that kills mobs”

I have to agree with you here. since you dont have quick cast and sure spell, meteor isnt gonna do much. so taking points of meteor will work better in this case

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Imagine the skill like a buff. When ever you kill a mob when invocation is active a spirit will spawn. These spirits are basically like fireball except you can use them to target a single enemy if you use evil sacrifice.

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hahaha that’s true, isn’t meteor like “1s per level” or something like that??, the ones that i surely want to maxout are Frost cloud and Hail, i was thinking of a level 4-5 sleep for duration and then Meteor not mattering what level it was, for the pyro>pyro2 part, i’m still kinda unsure sometimes, because i really enjoy PP+FB.

Alrighty, hmm letme check how i can move the skills, probably would end like these then

so then,

or is not that necessary the “Evil Sacrifice” skill?

Electrocute 15 is great BUT ONLY if you use Electrocute skill gem that will make it lvl 16 (this will add +1 target) - otherwise 14 is enough.

Take Invocation 5 for attribute (so you’ll have +30% increased dmg from warlock skills and your party members +15% from dark attacks) - hard to tell from which spell it is better to take of this point xP

Evil Sacrifice kind of is necessary - evil spirits from Invocation are stationary, so they act as mines and the monster have to actually go into it to receive dmg, and in case of DT they circle around you - so you need to go into melee combat range - which isnt always good. ES allows you to target them from range distance to specific enemy - high priority target - boss for egzample. Dont know what happens when between their set target are some trashy monsters - do they got hit instead? Please confirm :wink:

I would move a point from pole of agony to invocation since the skill has a really high CD.

ok, lets guess that i make electrocute at 14, the remaining point put it in… ?

Alright, so based in both comments :stuck_out_tongue: might as well make it

4 - pole of agony
5 - invocation
5 - Dark theurge
1 - Evil Sacrifice

True - though we dont know what future circles will bring , but i quess thats why skill reset potion is there xP

Btw. Anyone knows what happens to bought/learned skill attributes when you decide to use skill reset potion? Do we loose them (and money invested?) or they will be on the same lvl when the skill is upgradedto specific lvl?

Well with my wiz3ele3war im going for meteor8, though in your case i would probably just leave ele15 and grind for/buy skill gem for it :wink:

yep that sounds good :wink:

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might aswell be “0 silver” or something like that probably?