Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Cataphract build

I have read a lot about how cataphracts are weak at the moment, but I still want to make one.

Would it be better for me to go S1 > Pelt1 > Hop2 > Cata3 > Lancer, even though the only reason I would need pelt is for swashbuckling. Or should I just go S2 > Hop2 > Cata3 > Lancer

Swordsman S2 offers restrain which can stun and then slow(attribute) after the stun, combo it with Steed Charge for a sure critical hit.

but if it were up to me, I’d go for Pelt1 than S2

u need to swap weapon if u want to use swash

i would just get sw2 bcoz i don’t like swapping weapon

Also running a sw2/hl1/cata3/dragoon right now. Yeah, its not the strongest… but its soooo much fun :smiley: