if you want to build it based on Chaplain,there are quite a few options.
One would be to combine Chaplain with Krivis and Plague Doctor since they both feature some skills to use while Binatio is off cool down. Once the new goddess equipment is introduced, you could actually use both Krivis vaivora and Plague Doctor vaivora on this build (Chaplains vaivora is plain bad anyway) for even better effects (for now using a 2 hand mace is pretty ok as long as you have Plague Doctor in your build to survive since it’s fast and resistant to damage),
but for now sticking to the Plague Doctor vaivora effect should be your main goal, unless you are dead set on using Chaplains vaivora with 1 hand mace + shield (you will suffer a lot during the cool down of Binatio in this set up).
There are also other builds including Chaplain, mostly with Krivis, the 3rd class being Zealot,Kabbalist,Dievdirbys or Inquisitor. Zealot and Inquisitor are physical classes,though, so you’d be hybrid unless you choose another physical or flex class that can switch between attack types like Krivis or Druid.
In your case, you’d probably want to combine magic classes or flex classes to form a build suiting your play style, which is why I recommend Plague Doctor (high movement speed, immune to most annoying debuffs, auto-heal and damage over time that reliably ticks away the enemies health even when you have to move to avoid attacks/mechanics) and Krivis (boost basic attack damage, boosts accuracy and block penetration, boosts critical damage, has solid damage skills on low cool down times) to finish you build.