Tree of Savior Forum

Help with a Psycho / Alchemist Build

Hi guys, i need help and sugestions for a build that makes me lvl up without difficult until i become a alchemist, my focus is just a easy way to mob, cc and kill and in the end make some money

i thinking somethin like:

or maybe change psycho for Linker like:

For atributes i think 2:1 Int / Cons (maybe a little spr)

Thank you

Both builds should work out fine. I’m currently trying out the first one, actually.

However, I’m going to tweak your builds a little. (Copy and save them for yourself as I tend to clear out builds I don’t use every so often.)

^ For this one, I don’t recommend Ice Blast unless you want to look cool snapping your fingers, lol. Also, Magnetic Force is fine at Lv 1 as it doesn’t deal much damage even when maxed.

^ For this one, Spiritual Chain is recommended as it can share buffs like Quick Cast, etc. This build doesn’t have any shareable buffs, but it’s likely that your party members will.

Thank you a lot, now i just need decide which i will use :wink:

I went psycho sorcerer alchemist on icbt2, though with the change to sorcerer… don’t know if it would work now xD