Tree of Savior Forum

Help Pyro&Cryo build

So, i’ll make a Wizz>Pyro3>Cryo3 'cause i want. Thing is, i don’t know what skills to pick, how many points each and the order to follow ( 1 Rank at a time? 2 each? ). Also, the last Rank. I’m thinking between Linker, Psy or Rune Caster.

I would say: Linker is your last circle :wink:

Take Sage last circle not linker thats ■■■■■■■ stupid

Why Sage? Sorry, i don’t know very well the endgame … well, the game in general. What about the skills?

Sage can duplicate Fireballs and Frost Pillar. You also get a party buff that blocks missile attacks with 100% up time.

Hm, that’s really very useful … yeah, i think it’s Sage then. But … what about the skills? There’s no one who understands about Pyro/Cryo around?

it’s not 100% percent uptime, not with its currently bugged state

When i use it its up all the time. Only time it goes away is if the hit count is used up.

While it does refresh the timer, the hit count remains the same.
Do give it a test if you’re still in doubt

Thanks CasualGamer! So, that’s the best order to Rank UP? Cryo full 3 and after Pyro full 3?

And why not Firewall? The skill is cool and i wanted to use with Icewall just for fun. Firewall is worthless?

so u want to make this gimmick build while you know nothing about them?

how each class work, synergy, what do u know and why is that