Tree of Savior Forum

Help! PVP/PVE Cryo Summoner Wiz>cryo2>Psych>Linker>sorc2

I just started playing today. Just wanna ask if my build is viable for end game PvP and PvE.
For stats allocation. I’m still new to the game.
So any recommendations?
Or is Int/Con/Spr 4/2/1 or 4/2/0.5
Thx all :3

i dont think psycho1 is effective late game. but teleport might be nice.
but if u want it thats fine. it seems solid.
no spr.

So int/con 2/1 ok? or 4/1?
I picked psych cuz i watched it on youtube in combination with ice wall

you would need psycho2 for the stun and more dmg.
the int con stat depends on preference

You are probably better off with Cryo 3 rather than linker 1. Spr is useless to sorc due to how Summoning works lower SP max is better. Int increases the summon damage. I would say 4:1 int:con personally but go with as much con as you feel comfortable with.

what if he has both cryo3 and linker1? what do you think? sorry for the sudden question :smiley:

Cryo 3 Linker seems like overkill in the CC department with cryo 3 you get frost pillar so you dont need linker to pull and group mobs.

Cryo 3 is much better than Cryo 2 > Linker

I’d say your best options are:

  • Wiz > Cryo 3 > Kino > Sorc 2

  • Wiz > Cryo 3 > Sorc > Necro 2 or Sorc 2 > Warlock

  • Wiz > Cryo > Linker 2 > Sorc > Necro 2 or Sorc 2 > Warlock

  • Wiz > Cryo > Kino 3 > Sorc 2

i think link is a good idea for sorc, even lvl 1 for pve.

but trying to pve and pvp in the same build is going to be hard.

Ok thx all.
I might go for cyro3>kino>sorc2
But i have a question. I always read in the forum wiz without linker means harder to find parties

if it is possilbe, can you explain why cryo3 is better than linker?

Cryo 3 will never have a hard time finding groups cryo 3 is a great dungeon cc class.

His build is oriented to Sorc.

Linker will splash your summon’s damage.

Cryo will help you lock your enemies so your summon can shot them. You can lock enemies with most freezing skills but Frost Pillar makes all enemies focus on one point, which makes summons hit all of them at once.

Linker works better in general for Summons, but not when allied with CryoKino, as I mentioned it is very good to go Wiz > Cryo > Linker 2 > Sorc > x.

Parties do want you a lot more when you have Linker, but it’s actually up to the way you like to play the game.

thanks for the info earlier, and also thanks for this explanation.

But if you would allow me, isn’t linker faster at clearing mobs than cryo3?
as the tree only gathers the monsters and freezes for a chance of 1%[so little or am i missing something?].

while the linker can share the damage and also gather the monsters(bad its only 5 tho)… with a short cd to boot.

The tree doesn’t have a limit on how many mobs it can pull and the 1% freeze chance inst really an issue as you don’t use the tree for the freeze chance. Most pulls with Cryo 3 go like this.
Tank starts to gather mobs Cryo drops tree to pull them to one point then ice pikes twice and ice bolts three times on anything that ice pike didn’t freeze this usually keeps everything frozen long enough for a good group to kill everything.
So while you dont get the linker damage bonus you can freeze more enemies and prevent damage from more mobs than linker C1 can link. If you take Linker C1 while already having Cryo C2 your effectively shooting yourself in the foot with worse CC than you could have had with cryo 3.

Edit TLDR Version Cryo C3 lets you CC more mobs at the same time than Linker C1.

awesome! thanks for the explanation! :smiley:

Thank you all for the help
This will be my new build.
Any comments? Specially on the points allocation

I going for
Wiz > Cryo > Kino > Link
and don’t know how to fix this character

My others char is secured by Wiz3
These paths are what currently in my mind

Plz critic my build and suggest which way I should go for both PVP/PVE