Tree of Savior Forum

Help my support wizard (enchanter) :)

hi all, i dont play wizard but i really want to make an enchanter, this character will be support, but will have pyro and featherfoot for a little damage. i want to take thaumaturge because it seems ghood at support + i dont like chronomancer, how is this build?

i might swirtch thuma c3 for wizard c3 or another dmg class if my auto attacks are falling behing at rank 5
i chose featherfoot for dmg, plus i cant live without a heal
idk the skill points for enchanter bcuz its all korean

im thinking of having 160 con and 511 int end game, just calculated and with transpose attirbute it should balance to 311 each? idk what order to go in.

is this build good?

Since you are going Featherfoot, wizard 2 might be a lot better than pyro, to use Surespell with your blood sucking

oh it would, :confused: but wont my damage be bad if i go wizard2?

ur dmg is going to be bad anyways lol

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yeah but if i take wizard2 i wouldnt have any dmg skills other than the 2 obnes at wizard c1

Your dmg will be good just because of featherfoot skills… really , you wont miss pyro skills lv 200+

but what about leveling?
i bet it would be hard getting to 200 with only energy bolt, earthquake and shrink/swell body

yes , will be hard as all suport builds… but if u go pyro 1 instead wiz 2 , you will regret after … trust me I did this xD :cry:

really? how hard will leveling be? i feel like i would probably not even be able to get to featheroot without deleteing my char. i mean i could always just leech lol (be in a party and do nothing but be a buff slave, while my party member does questing for me) but that would be hard bcuz hes usually not on at the same time as me

do you think i will be able to level with only earthquake and energy bolt/auto attack? ill will keep up pardonber buffs

To be honest, will be better to lvl up with a party , always… You have to choose, pyro now and sadness after lv 200+, or goind wiz 2 , hard to lv up but , you will be happy after rank 7… or choose wiz 3 instead feather foot, is not a better choice but… an option

is blood sucking really a problem without surespell?

and do you think i can atleast solo with auto attack (with pardoner buffs)

i guess the energy boltwith sleep attribute will do about 500 addtitional damag, geuss thats decent damage to solo with

With bufs is easy to solo, if u have a good amount of int… and yes is a problem without surespell, because this skill heals you while do dmg to the mobs… so while you are using , any atk that you receive will cancel the skill… If you still want pyro…u should choose warlock instead featherfoot at r7, or linker 2 since you have a support build xD

how is auto attack dmg on wizard?
like is it 100% of your magic attack, bcuz if it is then ill be fine soloing

Yes, I think so… and any bonus that you can have, like magic amp for example

oh wow ok, i guess ill be fine. PLUSS:

ill usually have like 500 magic attack around level 150

plus the thauma buffs giving 250 magic attack

so 750 auto attack damage - magic defence the monster have
so about 300 auto attack dmg with all my buffs on, pretty decent

I’m trying to do this :

Don’t pay attention to the title of my build (neither skills distribution, might be really wrong) :sweat_smile:. I’m leveling 4 characters at the same time, so I didn’t test this build a lot, I’m only lvl 40+ Wizard > Pyro.

Why taking Pyro ? Mostly to help in early lvl, scrolls of Enchanter for Flame Ground and Enchant Fire. What you could take instead :

Wizard > Wizard > Linker > Thaumaturge > Thaumaturge > Wizard > Linker / (Featherfoot) > Enchanter

In this case you can have 50% bonus damage, but I don’t think it’s usefull : you don’t even benefit from Quick Cast or Surespell, unless taking something which needs it.

Why taking Linker ? Doing a great job in dungeons, if you take Pyro you can link your fireballs against bosses which are not summoning enemies. What you could take instead :


Why taking Thaumaturge ? For the costume, indeed. And because there are a lot of Chronomancers already running in this game (+ I don’t think Chrono is really good for Enchanter). What you could take instead :


Why taking Thaumaturge2 ? Swell Left arm has now enough duration to be spammed, you are able to use Reversi (and make scrolls of it), + you have now Swell Right arm (50sec CD 50 sec duration). Good buff for Fencers which are not using any sub-weapon. What you could take instead :


Now why taking Thaumaturge3 ? Mostly because I don’t have any other idea. You are now able to spam your buffs and you can use Swell Brain. The only problem of this skill is it doesn’t give you a lot of Int or Magic Attack. I need to do further researches on this skill. What you could take instead :

Wizard > Pyro > Linker > Thaumaturge > Thaumaturge > Pyro > Enchanter

Pyro2 : More hits on Fireballs, Fire Ground is repeatable, scrolls for both Fire Ground and Enchant Fire at lvl 10. I’m not sure if going Pyro2 is worth it.

Why taking Linker2 ? Joint Penalty scroll now really OP. Spiritual Chain is just OP in party. What you could take instead :


Why Enchanter and not Sage ? I think both are good for this path. If you take Sage, Ultimate Dimension on Joint Penalty mobs might be good. Missile Hole :blue_heart:. Micro Dimension can duplicate your Fireballs. I was considering to do Sage first, then I found Enchanter to be way more relevant : Scrolls, Enchant Lightning on Joint Penatly !!! Dunno for other skills but it is all I needed. The only problem is the awful costume, I’ll keep Thauma costume I guess.

Now for Wizard2/3, I don’t think it’s a good pick, you are not supposed to be the main DPS of the team with a build like that, you don’t benefit from Surespell unless you take Featherfoot. Magic Missile scrolls might be a must have or not, it highly depends if Scrolls will have a CD, same as original spells or not.

Hope it helped you a little bit.

I think Pyro1>Linker2>Chrono3>Enchanter will provide more supports that essential for party.



changed up my build a little, a questionm, should i put some spr? or no spr?

no spr :grin::hamburger: