Tree of Savior Forum

Help me with DPS Pyro build!

Hi guys, please help me out with that build, i want to make an DPS pyro build. but i don’t know wich path i should follow


Please guys help me, i’m geting crazy T_T

pyro3link3sage is the best path

wiz 3 pyro 2 linker 2 sage/ pyro 3

wiz pyro 2 linker 2 thauma 2 sage

wiz pyro 3 linker 3 sage

I personally tested those 3 and so far this wiz pyro 2 linker 2 thauma 2 sage is the strongest. High mdef mobs are pesky and so far thaumaturge 2 helps you with that.

Warlock is weak and laughable right now unless they get dark necklace(which is not yet implemented). Dont get fixated to warlock.

For DPS Enchanter is better because you get another 500 dmg which gets amplified by % and agny which means 3000+ dmg per fireball tick with 70%+.
And if R9 blows one can get at least another 500 this way.

because of transcendence… thaum buff isn’t that amazing but still nice i suppose.

*Edit : what i mean by that is because of transcendence and other stuff, taking 1/2 whole rank just for the bonus MATK… You might whant to reconsider. You can easiliy reach 3k Matk now whitout even having thaum.
As a team buff, physical dps have bigger base PATK weapon and spell damage meaning it even more pointless for them.
-The only moment that make thaum buff quite good is when like previous said mob have quite a lot of magic resit and this 500-700 bonus MATK can double or even more your dps(… If you can actualy hit them because sometime… Magic resit on some mobs is just insane). (If you have a dagger and thaum 2)
I kinda like Thaum 2 for a pvp build (Shield bonus defense / transpose / reversi etc… Also quite rare to see some thaum)

Wiz3 is kinda pointless because let take fireball
100% + 360%(Agny) = 460%
460% + 50%(QuickCast) = 510% or close of 11% dps increase for 2 rank.
The best result would be with flamground 260% > 310%

There other option open to you.
Cryo too pull monster in your aoe
Chrono for Dps/Support (Pass is kind of a dps boost spell and good for you allied … And soo what if there another chrono 3 ? Double pass is nice !!!)

Sincerely… A pyro that seen way too much straigh linker pyro build.

Wrong. On the one hand it’s a lot of add damage you can get on top of transc and also the defensive part while wearing a shield against strong casters is just splendid.

What do you want that Pyro for? This is actually the deciding factor for possible class paths.

thauma is good. It helps you get the matk you needed on those pesky high mdef mobs starting from kule or 290 dungeon. pyro 3 linker 3 sage is stronger but pyro 2 linker 2 thauma 2 sage can help you in all situtations. It is balanced.

Wiz 3 pyro 2 link 2 sage is a so so. Quick cast doesnt help that much but it is a really good base class in rank 9. This is kind of a gamble but I think it will be worth it if something good in rank 9 happens. kek

hey guys thxn for quick answer, i’m already a wiz1>Pyro3, working to manage whaat path to go now. planing to make a DPS for world boss and general PvE

all i want is to world boss and general PvE

In this case I would go for…
Wiz 1 - Pyro 3 - Linker 2 - Alchemist - Enchanter

Guess that makes you ask what the hell is that Alchemist doing there. Alchemist can freely buy Varnalesa which can trigger all Chappa cards every 15 seconds for cheap. This means Chappa matk on every link + fireball combo.
That’s huge - really huge. Especially for Bosses.
8 Targets of Link 2 are sufficient for general PvE and so are the 100 hits.

pyro3-link3-sage have highest potential
while pyro2-link2-thauma2-sage is better in many way
ex. better farming, easier to play, pass mdef threshold

pyro3 link10-11 target and kill them
while pyro2-link2-thauma2 link8, swell them, and get drop,silver,exp as 16target

pyro3 have usable fire wall, big pillar, hell breath, and stronger fire ball

if you are already pyro3
i would suggest link3sage to pull pyro3 potential
u don’t need to be thauma yourself
just bring other thauma and let them buff you

high mdef mob? get some archer, swordman
you don’t need to do everything by yourself
but it’s ok if you want

don’t pick enchanter or other at rank8, sage is best
duplicate do more than doubled your fire ball damage
u need more than 15sec to setup combo without sage
with sage you can do it in 3-4sec

4 fire ball link combo burst down mission boss, saalus boss in 3-4sec


planing to reroll since lv 100 are easy to reach, and it is my current lv atm, please remember that, i’m trying to DPS in World Bosses and general PvE content. should i reroll or try to make a pyro3>linker3>sage or Pyro3>linker2>WL?

no pyro in world boss

elememe rain, taoist storm will kill fire ball

and swordmen can kick your fire ball away

if u want to do competitive world boss

try other class that isn’t pyro base build

maybe wiz3pyro3warlock2 if u really want to add pyro in but it isn’t real pyro

wizz3>pyro3>WL2 have a good dps?
or i should Wiz>Pyro3>linker2>WL2?

warlock without wiz3 is meh
pyro without link is meh

you could try it bcoz agny op and pyro have good dps anyway
but i wouldn’t suggest any warlock in pyro build
a lot of ppl playing that even more than pyro3link3sage