Tree of Savior Forum

Help me! (Summoner build)

I’m building a full summoner, but I don’t want a sloth bot build. I desire to have all the summons doing the best they can, for this I will have sorc2 e necro3, but I’m not that sure about what should I chose for the early ranks.

I’m between.

Wizz3 for lethargy15 and flesh cannon.
Wizz-cryo3: because this is the most used build (bots?)
Wizz-Cryo2-Thaum - for the bonus from thaum and the cc from cryo.

What you guys would recommend if my objective is to have the higher dps that is possible from summons? There is other better build for this?

Can you explain the top5 bosses to have? I know that marnox is the top one. But Gorkas and netherbovine can do good as well in ride?

I personally don’t believe Cryo is as valuable as Wiz3 for a summoner build anymore. Extra 50% damage to marnox autos with lethargy is too good to pass up.

Best summon cards with riding:
Top riding skills:
Froster Lord multi-hit AoE skills. Its 3rd riding skill includes a %chance to freeze.
Marnox. Large hitboxes, multi-hits. 2nd skill is a dash, and 3rd skill is a Magic+Fire AoE skill.

Other riding options:
1.Templeshooter great multi-hit riding skills.
2.Netherbovine 2nd riding skill quick multi-hit burst on low cooldown.
Combo summons:
1.(Legendary) Marnox + wizard3 lethargy [strike] bonus damage booster debuff. And Marnox 3rd skill [magic] type + magic def break debuffs.
2.Netherbovine 2nd riding skill is [strike].
3.Templeshooter [missile] attacks and riding skills + necromancer decay (preferably shoggoth). Decay debuff does not affect bosses.
4.Froster lord [magic] attacks and riding skills + enchanter2 lightning hands magic def decrease debuff, runecaster rune of destruction magic def decrease debuff, linker3 spirit shock magic def decrease debuff.
Crowd control riding options:
1.Froster Lord 3rd riding skill includes a %chance to freeze.
2.Nuodai skills have a %chance to freeze.

Summon non riding damage:

I should note that for a necro sorc, temple shooter will be very strong due to decay doubling missile damage