Tree of Savior Forum

Help me pick my wizz build (pve)

please help me pick my build.

i wanna be a wizzard with fire skills and lots of aoe.
i wanna go PvE , no PvP.

some person said to me go 3x wizz first then

what u guys think?

If u like pyro, you can go wiz 1 - pyro 2 - elementalist 3 if u like fire skills. That is still a good build to be honest. The thing people discuss is that later on wizard 3 - elementalist 3 will probably outdamage pyro 2 - ele 3 due to quickcast spell attribute. The cast time is just an issue to meteor to be honest, the rest of them dont need the -50% cast time reduction at all, u can just kite mobs.

But wizard 3 - ele 3 doesnt have that much of fire spells to rely on (meteor high cd and proeminence meeehhh) =D

enjoy the super mega pve wizard of doom you have loads of ability option for you.

This is a joke build btw what I am saying is find the ability’s you enjoy and improve on them there is no definitive role what could be good to one person could be horrible to another person your best bet is look at all the classis and reverse backwards.

For instance if you want to be say an elemental’s pick classis before that you think would benefit you have fun with it be creative after all if people view you with a class you came up with and turns out to be great everyone will want to be like you.

is better get sorce 2 and not necro cause some summons mvp is better riding and do the skills aoe they have, u can respam it faster

dude, Wiz3 is like a raw egg swallowed then vomited out back then fried then eaten again, meaning, its bad. but hey if you manage to get to Ele1 then you’ll be fine, it’ll be fun onwards.

pyro goes best with sorc, because it gives you some additional sustained damage.

pyro sorcs are great at fighting field bosses. Something like wizard-pyro2-linker1-sorc2-warlock1
With such a build you will certainly have ‘fire stuff’ going on most of the time to make you feel fireish, but its the sorc that really defines the build.

The main ‘aoe wizard’ of the game is elementalist and their main big deal ability is electrocute. Wizard3 is a good thing because quick cast also gives you +50% magic damage. Its the sort of thing you want if you are being a dedicated direct damage mage, planning to spend all ranks afterwards on stuff that it can increase the damage of. If you are going to be a hybrid dps/support, or something like sorc, its not worth it (probably, i know some people who do wizard3 sorcs, and apparently some people actually do wizard3 linker3, i guess banking on wizard3 boosted rank 7+ to do something)

You might want to read that I said it was a joke build it was just putting out a point that you should play the class you enjoy don’t care about min/maxing.

I’m so sick of Wiz c3. People just need to boycott our horribly designed base class so it gets changed and isn’t just a stupid gimmick.

If you want Fire skills and AoE, then go

Wiz > Pyro > Pyro > Psycho > Psycho > Psycho > Warlock

I’d normally suggest Elementalist, but as much as I hate Wiz c3, it’s pretty required for certain Ele skills.