Tree of Savior Forum

Help me decide build

Hello, I am new to the game as a swordsman, I am very undecided among the following builds:

Cataphract - Lancer - Hoplite

Fancer - Matador - Hoplite

Fancer - Matador - Peltasta

I would like to know positive and negative points by comparing these builds, such as amusement and strength on PvP/PvE.

Sorry my simple EN =)

Cataphract-lancer-hoplite is very strong against single target, or bossing. Consumes quite alot of SP and less powerful in AoE.

Fencer-matador-hoplite is also strong against single target, but a little better at AoE than lancer.

Fencer-matador-pelt is more defensive, but not in a good way in my opinion. I think it’s best that dps stays dps, and tank stays tank.

Fencer-matador-barb is also a solid choice.

Cata -> Lancer -> Hop gives you good mobility, some AoE and a big focus on single target.

Fencer - Matador - Hop gives you good AoE from Matador and strong single target from Fencer and Hoplite. There are also variation on this build that replace Hoplite with either Barbarian or Doppel. Both Barb and Doppel add more AoE to your skillset, Doppel arguably adds more damage and AoE but requires an investment into an two hander in order to be used to its best, whereas with Barb you can stick to the rapier.

Fencer -> Matador -> Pel it’s a defensive build that allows you to farm a lot easier with Swash Buckling and has some synergy with Matador, while still being a stock single target damage dealer. Fencer can be replaced for Doppel for extra AoE.