Tree of Savior Forum

Help me! Cryo - Kino - Thauma for PvE and GvG

Hey guys I need help choosing a GvG-centric build that’s also good enough for PvE ( I have a static party and I don’t need to worry about kickings or whatever. But I still want to be useful! ).

Okay so you might be going “Thauma…? REALLY!? Why not go Cryo3-Kino3?” Well, I kinda just love the thought of having Swap and Reversi together. I find Reversi to be such a cool skill, being able to steal spells from the enemy and I feel like it could be really annoying if I were to Swap the enemy into their own spells. So yeah.

Here are my two choices:


  • Ice Pike is low level because I wanted more points on Ice Bolt for the fast cast
  • Gust at level 1 because it can push targets out of stuff like Safety Zone while Energy Bolt can’t


  • Telekinesis is at low level because I wanted to focus more on Swap. I know that Telekinesis can be used as a disable but I’m doubtful it’s gonna be that usable in GvG. however… Maybe 15 points on Swap is too much. I could probably drop down some points for Telekinesis.

Re: Thauma:

  • Shrink Body over Swell Body because I wouldn’t want to empower the enemies and I have an Archer friend in my static party (And oh yeah, which is a point towards going for Kino3 for Raise too).

What do you guys think? Is it too weird?