Tree of Savior Forum

Help leveling a wiz 3 class

I need help or if you have info or tips on where to level
im currently am wizard 2 and its pretty hard to kill mobs with
just energy ball lv 5 and lv 1 earthquake
i know im not supposed to grind but killing the quest bosses is a pain

going w3-e3-w1
INT Con 2:1

Buy sacrament and blessing from priest stores in town.

Blessing has a hit limit, once you reach that limit the buff will disappear regardless of time left. You have to keep going back to town to get the buff again.

Sacrament will last 1 hour.

You also need to have cafrisun set, which you can easily get by just hunting cafrisun in Srautas gorge or by purchasing the set from marketplace (might be expensive if you are a new player, but seriously, just hunt for it yourself). The boss spawns approximately when the mobs in that area spawns 3 times (maybe about 5 mins). All you need to do is hit the boss at least once and you’ll get a piece of the armor when it dies. After you kill it, go to the next channel and wait for one. If you get repeats (eg. 5 pants, 3 shoes etc…) sell them on marketplace, they sell quite fast.

NOTE: You can start training here at like… 25…

Go to tenet garden and one hit ko every monster you see. I suggest that you complete a quest from NPC A and B, but do not hand them in, this way you can easily teleport around the map. There is huge spawn in areas 1,2 and 3. Use NPC A to go to area 1 or to use teleport statue back to town, use NPC B to reach area 2 and 3 faster. You can use NPC A or B to teleport from town back to tenet garden (after rebuying blessing buff) to save some silver.

Don’t worry about silver, you’ll earn more than what you spend on those buffs.

You won’t need potions since you’ll just 1 hit kill monsters with auto attack.

You won’t need a party either, if there’s too many people around then just go to another channel.

With priest buff + cafrisun, you should have no problem killing enemies. Each blessing should give you 1 level. With token and a exp tomb, you should be able to reach wiz 3 in an hour and a half… or less.

Everything above applies to all classes. Those classes with mobbing skill can train even faster.

Yes, I agree you should get the Cafrisun Armor Set and make use of Pardoner’s Sacrament 15/16/17 buffs in town.

If you didn’t want to just mindlessly grind on monsters, you could always just follow the quest line.

Zone 1, 3, and 5. are generally all you have to do.
By the end of Tenet Church 1F/2F, you should be at Rank 3, getting you Magic Missile.

By the end of Cobalt Forest, you should be at Character Lv50, allowing you entrance into the first dungeon.

Run the dungeon 3 times, and you should be Lv65~, good enough to resume questing.
You can continue using Sacrament if you wish, or simply rely on Magic Missile’s power at this point.

(Note: Based on a character with a Token active)

If you wish, you can also quest on Orsha Side (not really necessary though).

Also if you continue questing zones 7, 8, and 11; You’ll probably end up Lv83~ ish. You may have to quest at Zone 12 as well to get enough cards to push to Lv90. This will get you into the next dungeon, and soon the Lv100 Missions.

At 100, you can always do Missions, and many dungeons keep opening up (115, 130, 145). As well as the grinding spots (Demon Prison, Bee Farm).
Still with plenty of quests to get you to up there.

I believe when I made my first Wiz3, I didn’t make use of the Sacrament Buff. But Magic Missile carried me all the way to Lv100+ with ease.

Try to get the best ROD(e.g Rune Rod) that you can get at your lv. And just Energy bolt lv1 charge only and fire and auto-attack. If mob, then earthquake. Mobs at that level are easily killed with your magic autoattack. Once you hit Wiz3, max out Magic Missile. So at Wiz2 save 5 points for Wiz3.

Good luck and just keep going. :slight_smile:

Remember to do as much kill counts as you can and explore 100%. Get the cards from Wings of Vibora and just spam Lv1,2,3 cards til Lv90.

Well You can grind at tenet garden if you absolutely despite wiz 2 and only want to get wiz 3 ASAP. The moment you get to wiz 3, go back to other areas and finish the quests you’ve missed.

i actually did klai-orsha quests and used lv 2- and some lv 3 cards
im wiz 3 atm and magic missle is carrying me through content atm.

Any tips for gems guys? How about equips after cafrisun? Currently lvl 33 and having a hard time leveling a wiz 2 :frowning:

Just buy buffs from pardoners. They are carrying even me as a full support wiz while leveling. Headgear with +sp regen also does a good job at keeping you leveling up really fast, but with the buffs you mostly just need auto attacks - even with full con.

I’m currently a wiz 3. wiz 2 is actually super easy. Buy Sacrament and go to Tenet Church F1. You can 2 shots most mobs there with your auto attacks. Do that till lv 35 and eat like 200 lv2 Exp cards to reach lv 40. You can asmass those cards by doing both Orsha and Klaipedia quest lines