Tree of Savior Forum

HELP * it this works!?

i thing to make some cool combine
if i
wi > wiz2> wiz3 > link > ele1> ele2 > ele3

its that really work with tree of savior nowadays?
if i dont get the 7 rank job, it that really fine? because the two 7 rank not really match with my style XD

I think warlock is okay, that spinning deathball thing around them usually kills leftover mobs in moving parties pretty fast, and pole of agony does good damage, but yeah terrible cooldown.

as for linker, i’ve seen it but they took linker last because they got linker icon. it’s not that effective due to JP bug breaking randomly without using any skills that break it…or maybe it was a ninja nerf

works but not the best currently.

that really make sense XD i dont think that spinning ball, does work like that *lol
oke maybe i choose the warlock style

and… what you suggets?

I currently have a sorc and if I ever wanted to make a diff character it would be wiz 3 link3 FF or woz3 link 2 RC FF