Tree of Savior Forum

[HELP] Is necromancer a good choice?

Hello ,
I was thinking about making a necromancer , still i’m not completely sure if it’s a good and viable choice.
At first I’m thinking about going Wiz > PyroC2 > Linker > NecroC3
I want to be a high DPS mage , but still if some survivability.
So , if anyone can help me make my mind about it , and tell me if this is a good choice or not I would be really grateful.
( possible builds and stats are also welcome :smiley: )

Hey man your build looks good, but you’re missing a rank! Necro is rank 6, and you went pyro for R2 and R3 and Linker for R4. Missing R5!

My suggestion is Linker2 or Pyro3, depending on your preference.

Me personally, I’m going Pyro2 Thauma2, but i think either one works. Necromancer sounds like fun to me even if it may not be the best class for end game. It remains to be seen.

Yeah that’s true , my mistake.
So what do you think is better Wiz > PyroC3 > LinkerC1 > NecroC2 or Wiz > PyroC2 > LinkerC2 > NecroC2 ?
Also you said that necro is not the best class for end game , so wich build do you believe could be considered a end game one ? Still focusing at DPS of course.
And thank you for your answer.

There’s compelling arguments to be made both ways. I’m not very experienced with linker, so I can’t give a great explanation, but here’s what I think are the pros to both

Linker C2 pros:

+1 second root on hangman’s knot (3 seconds up from 2)
+3 linked targets (8 up from 5)
+Spiritual chain buff sharing - not great solo, but can be good with the right setup from what I understand

Pyro C3 pros:

+5 hits on fireball (15 up from 10)
+5 second duration on flameground and flame pillar
+tiles and hits on firewall (from what I understand, this skill scales really well with many skill points, but is pretty awful at low levels. I have it at level 10 currently and it is on the cusp of being good. At level 15, firewall has the potential to be great)
+raw skill damage on all attack skills you take

So really it’s a preference thing. Level 15 fireball really is quite awesome, but the perks from linker c2 definitely present an interesting alternative. I don’t see a wrong answer here.

Oh i realized I didn’t answer your question. Popular end game builds for wizard from what I understand are Wiz3->Ele3->runecaster/warlock for AoE dmg or cryo3chrono3 for support.

My current “theory” build (since I haven’t actually gotten this far with the character) is wizard, pyro c3, sorcerer, necro c2. Then once we get ranks 8-10 ill probably max out necro and sorcerer.

Its better if you focus on one class. The other classes will be just a “support” to your class.

What I mean is: chose the other classes that complete the class you like more! If the class you want already have to much attack, chose the ones that give you habilities of support.

what do you think about Wiz1 > Pyro2 > Linker1 > Sorcerer1 > Necromancer2 ?

@vsav.rev It could be a really nice idea , but what would you do ? Pick the salamion , familiar and servant from sorcerer and use the shoggot from necromancer as you “main summon” ? or you would also pick the summon from sorcerer ?

i want pick the Summon from Sorcerer but it’s probably a bad idea.

Summoning5, Summon Familiar5, Summon Salamion4, Summon Servant1

I can’t take a choice :’( .

I probably don’t pick the Summon Sorcerer.

I don’t know, i need help please ^^".

@vsav.rev I think that picking up the summoning and the shoggot is not a good ideia , you’re only goning to be sorcerer1 , so shoggot is going to be stronger , you cast both at the same time , but both of them will consume your SP and there’s no SP regenaration when you have a summon out. Good thing is that if you cast one first and if it dies , you’ll have another one ready but I don’t see much utility , if I was to choose Wiz1 > Pyro2 > Linker1 > Sorcerer1 > Necromancer2 I would max the familiar , the servant and salamion , I would not pick the sorcerer summon

Ok ty for your reply.

Yes i probably don’t take the Summon Sorcerer.

Any idea for the Stats ? Full Int ?

Pyromancer :
You prefer Fire Wall or Enchant Fire ?

@vsav.rev I’m going something like 60-70 SPR 50-60 CON and rest INT
About fire wall and enchant fire , i’ve heard that fire wall is only good at high levels like 12 to 15 , so i chose enchant fire since it buffs your and your party members basic attack and also all skills that are fire based , and that buff combined with a fireball15 can be really good.

I’m also interested in Wiz C1 -> Pyro C2 -> Linker C1 -> Sorcerer C1 -> Necro C2.

At first I figured Pyro C3, but I’ve read the skills don’t scale well into the late game, and having Linker makes your pets more effective. Though I imagine the boss summon pet from Sorcerer C1 isn’t super powerful, I still love the idea of summoning all the pets. Salamion, Boss Card, Skeletons, Shoggoth, raise an army and sit back to watch the mayhem :smile:!

Anyone have experience with the Summon Skeletons? Are they ok?