Tree of Savior Forum

[Help?]Hoplite c2 and now?

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@Chakri_Griffindor is using a HopliteC2 into Cata3 build and from his videos it seems quite good.

Hop2-Cor3 for maximum utility in GvG. Hook build, will basically only throw hooks from max range (hook’s range is actually really good) and occasionally shoot with pistol / jump out of harm’s way without breaking hook. Not really very effective as hook tends to tie up pets/summons sometimes, but amongst swordsmen it’s the best, because all but Catas can’t even gapclose, and typical Sw3-Cata3 build is getting hard countered by any guild with at least 2 Plague Doctors… or simply controlled when gapclosing anyway, as most control spells are short range… while hook is long range.

or go Cor2-Dragoon/Doppel - you’ll have less hook time and no ability to shoot with pistol while holding it + you will need to switch weapon to shield to relocate with Long Stride while holding it (jump doesn’t break hook, helps a lot, but doesn’t work with dagger… cor3, on the other hand, can just jump with pistol in the offhand), but Doppel will give you good dmg buff and some AoE, while Dragoon will give you more target burst after Spear Lunge… I’d personally pick Doppel, cuz AoE is everything in PvE, and in PvP Cor3 is better than both of em. also note that weapon switching is buggy and unresponsive, only real option is to change weapons using the quickslot panel, but still - you’d better avoid switching if u can.

basically, understand one simple fact - any melee damage, no matter how strong, is weak in GvG. just see the vid below and you’ll understand why.

PS. also, tbh, if you want to be rly effective in GvG - don’t take swordie until IMC buffs em. I’m lvl 279 Cor3 btw.

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yep, kinda. hook range is quite long, I sometimes hook targets I don’t even see on my screen lol. and you can make that range even bigger by jumping the opposite direction with long stride. it also works like a skillshot - you can just target ground before u and make hook fly at that general direction. it’s AoE is a cone that slowly grows bigger the farther the target (just ask some Oracle to show you your AoEs). lastly, if you have a chrono on your team, you can hold two hooks at once.

you won’t exactly hook ppl to u, tho. keel hauling is really bad, as it breaks stun the hook applies and you are not even able to keel haul if u hook 3 ppl with chain attribute.

How is pelt c1 hop3 dop1 dragoon1 in GvG?

It’s pure theory, I haven’t participated in any GvG myself, only watched vids - they show the situation quite clearly.

Situation is this - range is everything, especially ranged control. The bigger the range - the better.

Doppel has some anti-control, but it won’t matter against kinos. He’s still 100% melee.
Dragoon can throw some spears tho and apply debuff, and that spear throw have a bit better range then pistol shot, but you’ll have to switch for both spear throw and spear lunge, suffering lag spikes both times. Dunno if it’s worth it rly. Still, in PvE you’ll have a much stronger target burst.

I’d say, if you haven’t started your swordie yet - just roll another profession whatsoever. Some monk’s energy blast will be much more effective as a ranged control, and has better range. Hook is only, like, 20-30% longer than gravity pole, which is so much better then hook. And even outside of mass pvp any melee skills are rly hard to land on moving target.

Jeez, you certainly changed your tune a lot.

This is you, 3 days ago:

Continuing the discussion from (Personal Experience) About the viability of Swordsman classes late game in PvE and/or PvP:

Finally getting it now? See how stupid you sounded back then? This is why you shouldn’t speak if you’re just going to theorycraft.

Corsair’s hooks, people have been there and done that way before you did and concluded that it didn’t work, but special snowflakes like you don’t believe and then preach the opposite like the gospel, wrecking potential newbie’s builds with your terrible advice. Do us a favour - stop posting about how things work next time until you have experienced it enough yourself.

/rant off

Wow thanks for the replies!

Still im kinda confused what class to choose for Rank 5 or just reroll for wizard/cleric … I really like the swordman branch but i like pvp/gvg aswell:/

You and your adorable friends failing to understand my point is beyond me.

Hook is still the best option Swordie has. Cor3 provides best utility for hook build. Other classes are better, but if u want a swordie for GvG - roll Cor3. Is that clear now?

Yeah because you’re a special snowflake.

Nobody cares about your point and your corsair pistol and hook because we all know what group PVP is like already, something that you’re just starting to realise over the last day or 2. If your little hook and pea shooter did anything much in PVP then people here in iTOS and kTOS would’ve jumped onto it ages ago.

Again, there were heaps more corsairs before you. Get a clue already.

What you’re calling a mass PvP now is ppl running around with random builds. There is no tactics, no build rosters, no battle formations, no precast and skill deny area, no proper initiation and no proper deny of initiation, nothing of those things that are needed in real combat. I don’t see proper use of bokor, sadhu, corsairs, rogues, scouts, druids, sappers, et cetera. I don’t see proper stat distribution. And hey, you know what? It’s not even about time, it’s about people starting to develop the meta and teach others. kRO was bad at WoE even after all the years.

Way to go.

You’re still clueless. You think there’s no planning with GVG, like these PVP builds gather a bunch of people with random builds and rush in? You talk big, like other ppl not using their classes or stats properly, etc. yet you have a corsair c3 build that you brought up to lv 279 to PVP with, and you’re saying other people not doing things properly?

Go look at yourself in the mirror first before you criticize others, and enjoy your reroll while you’re at it.

Sooo any recomendation about mit build ? :smile:

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I think your Sword2 should be good for GvG. Considering Plague Doctors make CC almost useless.
I am going Sword3Cata3Templar

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Thats something coming from you. I believe the Swordsman Meta for GvG is like those support DB RK with Marina+mailbreaker.
Lets see what the future holds.

Mailbreaker and Marina? Mailbreaker and 3x stormy Knight cards! :smiley:

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