Tree of Savior Forum

Help for my two characters in the current state of the game

So I need some advice on two of my characters. Prepare for wall of text:


  • This is the character I made when I first started out ToS with a group of friends, me being the support. But now I’m pretty much the only one still playing. I have not reached rank 8, I’m around 178, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to level, especially solo.

  • The other thing is the more I look for info on the forums, the morr I’m convinced that Link/Chrono loses out to Cryo/Chrono, even more so with the likely nerfs to linker, JP hit count wise.

I really love the concept of a linker/Chrono, speeding up the party, sharing buffs and spreading damage, but with it’s current negatives, would it be better for me to just abandon the idea and switch to cryo/chrono, or find a party that can utilise my links etc., or any other suggestions?


  • This character is still a wizard. I was planning to go for a money-maker, solo build, with Wiz3/Ele2/Alch3 or Wiz/Pyro3/Link1/Alche3. But again after reading through the forums, it seems Alchemists are in a pretty rough spot now, with the tax system and dumb alchemists undercutting each other till it’s a loss rather than profit.

  • Also with the likely incoming linker nerfs, I don’t think it’d be wise to throw in a C1 Linker in the build? Should I continue this character or make an elememe instead? Do alchemists still have benefits besides personal interests?

I love this game, but the glaring fall-offs of each class and many exploits makes it hard to actually have fun in this game :confused:


You don’t really need to worry about the Linker nerfs since the huge stat/skill rework will come with class resets and attribute refunds. The only thing you really need to do now is to level up and farm up.

Cryo Chrono is a lot more difficult to level than Linker Chrono. Linker Chrono doesn’t necessarily lose out to Cryo Chrono. Linker Chrono is still a fine support for all contents that you need to concern yourself with.

Warning beforehand, I’m not very meta concerned and am just speaking from my own experience HAHA.

from what i’ve seen as a linkchrono myself, cryo does seem preferred. unlimited pull is much neater and more reliable. I’m typically against more linker nerfs since they only have really one good skill (every interesting buff was left out of SC and nobody cares to keep it intact) and the original cd nerfs made it really clunky, but the new nerf doesn’t necessarily mean you should drop it! It still does what it does with damage multiplying, it just needs peeps to play smarter and use the right skills at the right time.

Honestly, if you like playing the class and like the concept, I’d say keep it. Classes are constantly getting rebalanced, and I can’t say for certain, but Linker is still very doable, 'specially with pyro. Might still work well with the huge single hit fireball and links.

Alch bites pretty hard into your build, and really makes no money unless you 1.) have a consistent dilgele farm (which- still is a constant losing battle against undercutters lmao) and/or 2.) spend time farming uosis and selling SP pots from my experience. Which still has undercutters, but it’s mitigated by the fact that Uosis is more expensive and time-consuming to acquire. A farmer is much more efficient. Nonetheless, I still like the class, and would personally take your pyro build. I don’t really keep up with elementalist changes, but wiz3 seems a little moot after they removed the attribute, and afaik, isn’t ele mostly loved for frost cloud? Though I vaguely heard elementalist overall is getting a good buff or something…?

And I totally agree, the game has a lot of fun concepts but a lot of it seems really unrewarding. Shameless PARTY GRABBIN but if you’re on Klaipeda and would like a leveling buddy, my archer just hit 200ish and hasn’t done like…any quests within like 80 levels below. I’d be thrilled to have someone to level with, considering I slowed my pace down by now. I leveled my linkchrono before pardoners existed and do understand that soloing issue, but I do really like my linkchrono in the end.

I have a linker/chrono. I love her very much.

It is an excellent FULL support build.

It is not playable, ever, without party members. From 180+ you will absolutely need to level with a partner. I can’t solve that for you I’m afraid, it’s the nature of the build.

Unfortunately I don’t get much play out of her anymore. She was much more valuable back when we had competitive worldbossing for Linker3’s stats sharing to the party as well as Haste to find the boss faster than the competing teams. Now it’s not as relevant or useful at all. Back then I would use the character every day.

Linker Chrono is still a fine support for all contents that you need to concern yourself with.

Ah, that’s good to hear. if I can even level to end game content, that is. Which brings us to

The only thing you really need to do now is to level up and farm up.

Any tips/ guides you can share for this? I’m currently just grinding daily missions and doing the 170 Hollow Thorn Forest dungeon occasionally, alongside quets (currently at Tyla Monastery).

Is there any place I should be grinding, or any equips I should be aiming for?

Fully agree with what your points! I guess only time will tell until the full patch is realeased, only then we can see what would happen to Linkers.

I guess I’ll stay with the build, but then again I need to find friends to level with or it’s gonna be hell.

It is not playable, ever, without party members. From 180+ you will absolutely need to level with a partner. I can’t solve that for you I’m afraid, it’s the nature of the build.

Ah, that’s gonna be a pain then, gotta find frieds :confused:
It is a shame though, that us non-cryo/chrono classes are getting pushed out of the light because of the design of the game.

Join a guild. Guildies are always there to help their members level.


:grin: Make friends! :grin:

Here’s something to roll around in your head. The game does not bring “the fun”, you do. The things the game offers are dailies and do them enough times and they become chores. Do them more and it gets to the point you don’t do them anymore.

For example, I take some pleasure from looking at 300+ trash cards in my card holding toon.

Now to your “problem”

Both your builds can be carried by pyro1-linker2 + agny. Lv5 [fireball] will take care of most trash mobs. [linkball] will take care of all killables (boss, trash, elites, everything). That is really all linker does, make [fireball] OP.

Nobody wants linker for the shared damage. Nobody wants linker for the shared stats (outside some ET parties). [hangman’s knot] is too short in duration and sometimes throws mobs around when it ends (don’t want that).

On to specifics.

Build 1 is very good for solo. Pyro 1 is pretty binary in terms of partying. You either do nothing or do everything. [linkball] cd’s are short enough that you can carry a group if they allow you to. If you have more melee in your group, you are better off just linking (and they will still love you for it).

Build 2 just needs more linker and less pyro. Nothing really lasts long enough to take all the hits on a lv15 [fireball]. [linkball] breaks at around 6 pulses so pulse 7 - 16 are just regular pulses. That said, w1-pyro2-link2-alch3.

As to its uses, alch would only really be used for:

  • making your own pots (not to sell cuz good luck with that)
  • [briquetting] either for damage or for weapon skins (instead of having someone else do it for you)
  • [magnum opus] turning crap loot into great loot (because you can’t unli-trade loot)

Long story short, get agny if you don’t already have it and you will be fine.

True though, the quests and dungeon runs are getting close to becoming chores :confused:

Really?[quote=“c2gaming.seetoo, post:10, topic:357221”]
Long story short, get agny if you don’t already have it and you will be fine.

I guess I’ll work on that, seeing as it’s expensive as heck. But didn’t agny get nerfed (or is going to)?

Thanks for the well-thought out reply!

Shared damage gets people killed.

Agny still comes with 200 fire damage that can be upgraded via anvils. Sure, you lose the mdef and it will get nerfed (we can’t confirm if it will become the generic 50% fire damage it is in ktest since it’s not “final”) but no other necklace will give you that much damage. The only other necklace that gives anything significant is rhevi for 35% dark damage reduction.

You are at least 170 so you can clear 170dg for 300k per run. You’ll get there.

Oh you meant that sharing. I was talking about linking mobs and spreading single target damage to all of the linked targets.

Sorry I wasn’t clear! :sweat_smile: