Tree of Savior Forum

Help for my build

I’m new and my first char is a wiz. I wanted to go wiz3>ele3>WL.
Right now, I’m lvl132 and I’m a ele2.
Lately, I’ve read WL is completely useless in the late game so I started thinking about changing my future build. Any suggestions of what I could do after Ele2? Thanks!

If late game you mean those high mdef mob this apply to all magic class not just WL.(if you want to avoid this problem either reroll to support or physical class) WL is not really useless most skills still do nice dmg.

elementalist is something that if you choose this path go all the way to C3 like fletcher of archer class.

What about after Ele3? Is warlock mandatory?
I was thinking about the Sage in rank8… it was pretty cool. Would I be able to do it?
Thanks :slight_smile:

I think this thread may help your dicision.