Tree of Savior Forum

Help for Chronomancer c3

Hi, im leveling my wizard for support and endgame content but i cant decide my 4 rank.
Im currently Wiz1/Pyro2 and my plan is get Chrono3. I was thinking maybe use Pyro3 for more dmg, Cryo1 for some cc from freeze attacks, Thau1 for buff and cus my stats are 100 int full con will use transpose sometimes, and Linker1 for utility.
What will be better thinking in endgame and future ranks? Is Cryo1 worth for cc?
Ty :slight_smile:

C1 Linker is great for support, making dungeons and grinding faster and more coordinated. You could Thaumaturge C1 too, with 1 rank into Transpose, 4 in Shrink, 5 in Swell Enemy, 5 in Swell Arm, it goes well with Chronomancer.

I think if you are thinking long term, Linker or Thauma is the better choice. People will tell you Thaumaturge doesn’t age well with flat bonuses, but remember just C1 Thaumaturge gives access to the Swell Left Arm attribute which can give much more damage than just +58.

Ya i will take Thau1 because i dont like linker costume and any linker 2 will make better work than me with c1.
Thau1 is so expensive to lvl up attributes like 5m silver?

It is expensive to level up most attributes, the good news is Chronomancer doesn’t have many attributes worth leveling and they are all a few levels, so you don’t have much to worry about there.

Don’t take C2 Linker, it’s not good, Spiritual Chain is too mutually exclusive with a few other classes(Plague Doctor, Quarrel Shooter3). Thau1 or Linker 1. If you don’t like the costume, you can always wear something else of your previous job. But it’s your call, as long as you enjoy the game.

If you’ve already chosen pyro2 for your chrono3 build Id recommend:

-pyro3 if you want to maximize your dps potential up through rank 7. Pyro will become less important to you once we have access to rank 8+ dps classes, however (assuming you decide to take a new dps class at that point).

-linker1 if you want better party support. The long cd on joint and low duration on hangman make it less than optimal for easy/solo content, especially when you can just lure mobs into your aoe spells. So this option is more or less in anticipation of pyro’s inevitable falloff at rank 8 and above imo.

-cryo1 I’m not 100% clear on endgame freeze resist…if the 5 second cc remains reliable at all points of the game than the investment is worthwhile. Even without cryo3 you can get doubled returns on ice bolt and ice pike using pass. Never had issues with freeze resist in icbt2 but this could have changed.

Freeze is shortened on mobs in dungeons I’m pretty sure, from 5 to 2.5.

well with cryo1 i will have some cc like freeze and maybe ice wall?

with thau will getme to me and party +68 dmg and nice skills for exp and drops.

And yeah in rank 8 i will take Warlock for combine dmg from Pyromancer and Pole of Agony in Stop n.n so i think some freezes will help me to catch enemys and start stop bla bla bla

thank u all for opinions and i will appreciate further ideas :slight_smile:

Ice wall is very good, even at rank 5, it can do so many things, you can link all of them and use Hangman’s Knot or Unbind with it’s attributes to shoot ice shards out, it’s good for solo bossing too, gives the extra DPS you just might need.