Tree of Savior Forum

HELP! Cyro3/Chrono3 after rework

Hello everyone! I’ve stoped playing for like a year, but came back for the combat rework.

So, now that the reset event is over, I’m thinking hard about my build. Mostly, where to invest points and stat distribution. I used to have a full support build with every point in CON, but is it still necessary? I’ve read that you can put out quite a bit of damage and still have enough survivability with a CON/INT spread. Is this the case? If so, how much?

50 CON and rest in INT?
100 CON and rest in INT?

What do you think? I currently have every equipment focusing on CON and HP.

On a side note, what is the currently most common skill build for Cryochrono? I know that at rank 8 people usually get Sage, but I’m still Chrono2, so I’m not much worried about that atm.

Ice Blast used to suck, but I see people getting it now. Is Gust worth 1 point? Did people stop running Subzero Shield?

Thank you very much in advance!

Depends on what content you wish to clear.

For ET, for example, survival is all that’s important for you as a cryochrono so I would just go ahead and go full CON.

Gust is a preference for some people (mostly those that solo often).

Skill point distribution for an endgame support only build (mostly ET)

Max Ice wall, subzero shield, snow rolling, frost pillar
1 point ice bolt and ice pike (audra will boost ice bolt by 2 points so you can cast it quicker)
8 points ice blast (optional, you can put them into ice bolt instead or w/e).

But again, it depends on what type of things you want to do on your cryochrono. Investing a little into INT is definitely not a bad thing anymore since base HP got boosted, but it’s also unnecessary if you’re just gonna be a supporter.

Thank you for the quick response!

At first I was a full support build, but it was a pain to clear any sort of single player content, which is perhaps one of the factors that drove me away from the game. I can understand that a full CON will be better for ET, but I guess my question here is if spliting into, say, 100 CON and rest into INT is still viable for this sort of content, even if it’s not optimal. And also, if it’s a good idea at all.

Skill point distribution does seem to remain unchanged from what I had way before, except for the points in Ice Blast.
You do metion it’s for endgame support, though. Does that take into account a possible split betwen INT and CON?

EDIT: What do you think about this build?

Yes, even if you go full INT, cryochronosage is ultimately going to be a support wizard.

It’s a lot easier to do single player content with cryo now with ice blast though. I don’t think 100 CON and rest INT will be an issue, you can do that if you solo often.

Your build looks fine by me. Only one point into ultimate dimension and 3 into Blink would be better though. Also, I would swap the points of slow and stop (12 in stop and 1 in slow) because stop is preferred in ET, and slow isn’t really too useful. Level 1 slow is enough for attributes and 10s slow.

Thanks a lot for the help! I think I’ve got a better grasp of what I want to do now.

If only 100 CON won’t be an issue on ET, I’m going for it!

EDIT: Adjusted build for future reference

mine is full int

stat doesn’t matter, all u need to do is just control mob and pass

u just get more hp when u invest con, u do more damage when invest int

I’m going to be a support, but i forgot to reset my stats and now i have 180INT, Is it going to be a problem? Or just start to invest in CON?

But wait, Sage is not a support Wizard, it has a Red Icon.
We might see its R9 but we also expect there will some stats reset event between that.
It safe to say you can go full CON if you have a party to leech you.
Else, get some INT for Snowroll/Iceblast/Icewall-ShardsShooting for questing.


No, you should be fine. Start investing in CON will help you down the road when you do harder content with a party and just play support.

Difference between full con and no con endgame is like 20k vs. 60k hp for my character. 20k is enough to survive, but 60k is nice for doing those high levels of ET.

Ok, i’ll start to invest in Con from now on.

Is there a cookie cutter skill build for this? Im trying to make one for ET purposes. Should I go full CON?

As long as you’ve Ice Tree, Haste, Quicken and Pass maxed, the rest is up to you really.

Full CON is the usual for ET (you can end up with 50k+ HP) but if you’re gonna lvl it up alone maybe INT would help you better (though now with Hunting Grounds and daily dungeon runs it’s not that big of a deal really).

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Your skill point investment should look like this. Other than Ice Blast’s points, everything else is pretty much non-negotiable.

Use an audra staff for +2 cryo skills. Full CON is optimal for ET.

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Thanks for the answer, ill do it like that! =)

I’ve looked into getting an Audra staff, but it’s so damn expensive! And currently my Ice Rod has been rather pathetic in regards of damage. Any suggestions on what to use at 220+ before you get enough currency for Audra?

If you’re mostly doing solo content then I would suggest getting your hands on a Tiesa Staff - 41 int, 14 spirits some sp and sp regen, I believe it’s either for 170 or 220, I can’t remember properly.

Why lv 12 stop???

And also, do we really need max quicken?

Stop works well on defensive objectives in ET. Max quicken to support those that benefit from it, like some archer classes. Chrono is pretty straightforward since theres nowhere else to put points.

Would Maga Rod be a decent alternative? I could afford it right now, but it would set me back into my Audra savings.